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国企要吸引和留住人才。一个重要方面是要采取复合动态的策略。复合,是指措施是综合的,不是单一的;动态,是指要根据人才流动的具体需求变化而变动吸引点,不是静止的。采取复合动态策略的理由是:人才群体是由各种不同类型的人才组成的:人才群体的流动原因是复杂的,即人才群体的需求是多种多样的,并且是变化的;对人才的吸引点也应是复合的,也需要变化;人才都是向着符合自己的内在追求或者流动需求的吸引点流动凝聚的。这是人才流动的一般规律性。只 State-owned enterprises should attract and retain qualified personnel. An important aspect is to adopt a compound dynamic strategy. Composite refers to the measure is comprehensive, not a single; dynamic, refers to changes in the specific needs of the flow of talent changes and attraction, not static. The reason for taking a composite dynamic strategy is that the talent pool is composed of different types of talent: the reasons for the mobility of the talent pool are complex, that is, the needs of the talent pool are diverse and changeable; and the attraction to talent Points should also be compound and change as well; talent flows and coalesces toward points of attraction that fit within one’s inner pursuits or mobility needs. This is the general rule of talent flow. only
中时媒体集团(China Times)的前身是余纪忠先生于1961创办的征信新闻,迄今已近50载的岁月。伴随着每日傍晚时分征信新闻社送报生,踏着铁马鱼贯穿过报社玄关送报的时代记忆,以
We report the high speed scanning submicronic microscopy (SSM) using a low cost polymer microlens integratedat the extremity of an optical fiber.These microlen
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This paper mainly discusses the constitutive Iaws of incompressible rubber-like materialsand the aaaociated finite element analysis method.By a multiplicative
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温州“腾笼换鸟”,大规模引进外资的“一号工程”引起了巨大的争议。经济学家作何解读?《小康》专访了经济学家吴敬琏。 Wenzhou “cage for bird”, large-scale introduct