if不可与or not连用吗?

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《英语知识》1999年第11期上刊载的《再谈whether 和 if》一文中有:“8.whether 后可跟 or not,if 则不能。He wants to know whether or not we want din-ner.He wants to know whether we want dinner ornot.He wants to know if we want any dinner”当 if 和 whether 作连词引导从句,意为“是否”时,一般情况下均可互用。如:I wonder if/whether I can catch the last bus.但是,一旦与 or not 连用,依传统语法(或部分 In the article “Wrote about if and if” published in the 11th issue of English Knowledge, 1999, there is: “8. Whether you can follow or not, if you can’t. He wants to know whether or not we want din-ner. ”He wants to know if we want dinner or not. He wants to know if we want any dinner.“ When if and whether are used as conjunctions to guide clauses, meaning ”whether" or not, they can be used interchangeably under normal circumstances. Such as: I wonder if/whether I can catch the last bus. But once used with or not, according to the traditional grammar (or part
摘要在玉笥山林场引种栽培杨梅取得成功和示范带动下,针对峡江县发展杨梅产业现状,提出峡江县发展杨梅产业对策。  关键词杨梅产业;现状;对策;江西峡江    1998年峡江县玉笥山林场从浙江黄岩引进了东魁、荸荠杨梅2个优良品种进行引种及高产栽培试验,试栽面积10hm2。2001年荸荠开始挂果,2002年东魁进入始果期,共采摘杨梅鲜果5 000kg,2003年产量达11.25t,2004年产量达45t、
一般说来,两个或多个名词由 and 连接作主语时,其后谓语动词用复数形式。但也有不少例外,即由 and 连接的名词作主语时谓语动词用单数。大致有以下几种情形:
<正> 英语词汇具有词义比较灵活,词的涵义范围比较宽,比较丰富多变等特点。英语词汇的灵活,突出地表现为一词多义。从历史的眼光看,一词多义是词义演变和发展的结果;此外,英