中国金属加工60年(30) 高速超高速磨削

来源 :金属加工(热加工) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lee_liuyun02
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2009年,《金属加工》为庆祝新中国成立60周年及迎接本刊创刊60周年,开设了“史话——中国金属加工60年”专栏。专栏的内容引起了读者的极大兴趣。应读者要求,2010年本刊将继续保留这一专栏。记者将以本刊曾记述的内容为线索,与您继续重温新中国金属加工行业的技术简史。 In 2009, “Metalworking” opened the “History - China Metalworking 60 Years” column in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 60th anniversary of its founding. The contents of the column aroused great interest readers. At reader’s request, 2010 will continue to retain this column. Reporters will be described in this article as a clue, and you continue to relive the new metal processing industry in China a brief history of technology.
The use of computer simulation techniques in the control system design of the laminar cooling process in a hot mill can significantly reduce the development cos