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在实际工作中,侦察人员和技术人员之间的关系协调得好的例子不少,但协调得不好的也很多,甚至可以说是一个带普遍性的问题。很显然,这种不协调对侦破工作是极为不利的。在协调配合上,侦察人员容易出现的问题主要是对刑事技术以及刑事技术与侦察的关系缺乏足够的了解。1.不切实际的对比。不少侦察人员并不了解国内外刑事技术发展的状况、动向,他们对先进的刑事技术的了解,许多是从电影、电视、侦探小说中得来的,并把这种有相当虚构成分的“刑事技术”当成标准来衡量本地的刑事技术。显然,得到的只能是失望和不满。2.对现场勘查的分工、职责认识模糊。有人认为现场勘查后,对案件性质、罪犯个人特点等情况的分析,单单是技术人员的事。因此,常在侦破遇到困难时,埋怨技术人员没有给侦察提供有价值的分析意见,对罪犯个人特点刻画不清或没有刻画等等。他 In practical work, there are quite a few examples of well-coordinated relations between reconnaissance and technical personnel, but there are also many examples of poor coordination and can even be regarded as a universal issue. Obviously, such disharmony is extremely unfavorable to the work of detection. In coordination, the problems that scout personnel often face are mainly lack of adequate understanding of the relationship between criminal technology and criminal technology and reconnaissance. Unrealistic contrast Many reconnaissance officers do not understand the status and trends of the development of criminal technology at home and abroad. Their understanding of advanced criminal technology is derived from films, television and detective novels, and the “ ”Criminal technology" as a standard to measure the local criminal technology. Obviously, what we get is disappointment and dissatisfaction. 2. On the scene of the division of labor, responsibilities, vague understanding. Some people think that after an on-site investigation, the analysis of the nature of the case and the individual characteristics of criminals is only a matter for technical personnel. Therefore, often in the detection of difficulties encountered, blaming technical staff did not provide valuable analytical advice to reconnaissance, criminals personal traits unclear or not portrayed and so on. he
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天则所没有基本的计算能力和逻辑分析能力,根据自己的立场或用心来取舍数据,算法独步天下    《国有企业的性质、表现与改革》研究报告秉承了天则所一贯强词夺理的算法、翻手为云覆手为雨的逻辑和对西方经济学理论的一知半解。本文结合这份报告简要地对天则所独一无二的天则算法和天则逻辑进行分析。需要指出的是,本文没有对天则所报告中所使用的数据的真实性进行核对。这是因为,如果一个研究机构没有基本的计算能力和逻辑分