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F.O.B 是 free on board 的意思。买方将指定货船派往货物装运港后,由卖方将买方所买货物装上该指定船,在货物越过船舷为止的一切清关手续,费用以及风险均由卖方承担。从这个意义上说,F.O.B 价即离岸价或船上交货价。然而在实际的交易中却并非如此绝对。假设出现买方指定货轮不能顺利靠港的情况(并非不可能),此时最常用的办法之一就是用驳船将货物 F.O.B is free on board. After the buyer ships the designated cargo ship to the port of shipment, the seller will load the goods purchased by the buyer onto the designated ship. All costs incurred and the risks involved in the clearance of the goods beyond the ship’s rail shall be borne by the seller. In this sense, the F.O.B price is the FOB or FOB price. However, it is not so absolute in actual transactions. Assuming that the buyer’s designated vessel cannot successfully reach the port (not impossible), one of the most common methods used at this time is to use a barge to transport cargo.
Enthusiastic exhibitors and visitors,good business deals and transactions along with in- numerable innovations characterized the scene at this year’s interzum
如何学会“学习”,通过学习型供电所的创建,提升供电所人员的整体素质,实现工作流程的优化和服务水平的跨越,整体推进工作,是一个重要命题 It is an important proposition
Chinese culture is interpreted by various means for visitors to the Shanghai Expo Visitors flocked to the World Exposite in Shanghai when the grandfair official
世博shìbó(名)【释义】世界博览会(World Exhibitionor Exposition,简称World Expo)又称国际博览会,简称世博会、世博。是一项由主办国政府组织或政府委托有关部门举办的国
【实例】陈进珍以前在广东中山市沙溪镇的一家制衣厂工作,厂里经常招不够普工。2010年春节前,陈进珍向老板刘凤提出建议:她回家乡广西藤县象棋镇组织人力进行初加 [Example]