今年是抗日战争及反法西斯战争胜利50周年。回顾半个世纪前的那场战争,我忽然生发出一点不合时宜的“怪想”:当年的中国,当“汉奸”的何其多! 并非信口雌黄,据权威资料公布:当年共产党领导的抗日武装,抗击了侵华日军的70%和伪军的100%。这“100%的伪军”有多少呢?无考。但据同一条权威资料,被歼的伪军约为120万。如此说来,这支“汉奸队伍”至少有“百万之众”,虽然占当时全国人口的比例不大,但绝对数并不少。
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the Anti-Fascist War. Recalling that half a century ago that war, I suddenly gave birth to a little outdated “strange”: when China, as “traitors” how much! It was not believed that the Soviet Union was a yellow female. According to the authoritative information, the anti-Japanese armed forces led by the Communist Party of that year were fighting 70% of the Japanese invaders and 100% of the puppet troops. How much is this “100% puppet army”? However, according to the same authoritative information, the number of puppet troops to be annihilated is about 1.2 million. In this sense, there are at least “millions of people” in this “traitor team.” Although the proportion of the population in that time was not large, there were not many absolute cases.