Flow Control in Six-Strand Billet Continuous Casting Tundish With Different Configurations

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lmwtz0x8u0
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A 1∶2.5 scale tundish model was set up in laboratory for a six-strand billet continuous casting tundish with different configurations to investigate fluid flow characteristics under different operational conditions by measuring residence time distribution curves.It was found that minimum residence time,maximum concentration time and average residence time of the three strands on the same side of the tundish with the former configuration under normal operation,that is,six strands were open,were small and non-uniform and the tundish had large dead volume fraction.Vortexes easily formed on the liquid surface in the pouring zone of the tundish.The fluid flow characteristics in the tundish with the optimal turbulence inhibitor and baffles were improved and became less non-uniform among the strands.Vortexes were not found on the pouring zone surface in the optimal tundish.For non-normal operation,that is,one strand was close,it was important to choose which strand to be closed for maintaining flow characteristics of the rest two strands.It was found from this investigation that fluid flow characteristics in the optimal configuration tundish with closing strand 2 were better than those with closing strand 3 on the same side. A 1: 2.5 scale tundish model was set up in laboratory for a six-strand billet continuous casting tundish with different configurations to investigate fluid flow characteristics under different operational conditions by measuring residence time distribution curves. It was found that minimum residence time, maximum concentration time and average residence time of the three strands on the same side of the tundish with the former configuration under normal operation, that is, six strands were open, were small and non-uniform and the tundish had large dead volume fraction. on the liquid surface in the pouring zone of the tundish. the fluid flow characteristics in the tundish with the optimal turbulence inhibitor and baffles were improved and became less non-uniform among the strands. Vortexes were not found on the pouring zone surface in the optimal tundish.For non-normal operation, that is, one strand was close, it was important to choose which strand to be closed for maintain ing flow characteristics of the rest two strands. It was found from this investigation that fluid flow characteristics in the optimal configuration tundish with closing strand 2 were better than those with closing strand 3 on the same side.
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