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近年来,镇巴县物价局积极探索新形势下物价系统行风建设,把部门行风工作与业务工作同安排、同检查、同奖惩,对照行风建设“五不准”认真贯彻落实,取得了明显成效,其做法是:一、抓好干部队伍自身建设是加强行风建设的基础。近几年来,镇巴县物价局始终坚持每周星期一学习理论、业务知识,学习国家有关廉政建设若干规定,特别是经常学习物价系统行风建设“五不准”等规定,每人撰写对照检查材料,季度召开全局行风对照检查会,开展个人行风评议活动,对自身建设常抓不懈,有效地增强了广大干部的综合素质和廉政意识,使全体干部在监督检查中能够做到既严格执法又不滥用职权,既严肃 In recent years, the Zhenba County Price Bureau has actively explored the construction of the price system under the new situation. It has arranged the departmental work and business work together with the inspection, rewards and punishments, and conscientious implementation of the “Five No Provisions” Obvious results, the approach is: First, do a good job of cadres and building their own construction is to strengthen the basis for building business practices. In recent years, the Price Bureau of Zhenba County has always insisted on studying the theory and business knowledge on a Monday every Monday, learning some provisions of the state concerning the construction of an honest and clean government, especially the frequent study of the “five no-permits” Check the materials and hold a quarterly general inspection meeting on the conduct of the conduct of the conduct of the conduct of the conduct of personal conduct appraisals and activities. They often persevere in their own construction and effectively enhance the overall quality and sense of integrity of the cadres so that all cadres can achieve both supervisory inspection Strict law enforcement and abuse of power, both serious
单片机的地址空间与 PC 机不同,初学者较难理解。本文以较流行的 MCS-8051单片机为例,较详细的闸述了单片机的地址空间构成,分析了各地址空间的寻址过程。对一些易混淆的问题
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