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中华民族五千年的文明史,造就和繁荣了民族艺术的百花园。在五彩缤纷、丰富多姿的艺术品类中,民间传说与戏曲艺术似两朵极富魅力的奇葩,各具异彩,相互吸收,彼此辉映,有着极密切的亲缘关系。至今在戏曲艺术的剧目中,以民间传说为题材,敷演成戏者枚不胜数。一般地讲,流传亘古的著名民间传说,多具备生动奇巧的故事情节,骇世脱俗的人物行动及鲜明清朗的传奇色彩。体现出这些民间传说创造、传播者蕴含于传说中人物、事件上的,对生活、社会、历史的善良愿望与美好憧憬,阐述了朴素的生活哲理和明晰的是非标准。正因为历史上大多数民间传说的创造者多是基于对现实生活不满,而欲通过自己对生活的畅想和愿望,使自身在传说的创造中,设计和编织出优于觋实.能够满足自身在现实中不能实现的愿望和理想,所以,反映到民间传说中的生活和生活在传说境界中的人物,往往带有明显的理想色彩和夸张程度。是非是那样鲜明,环境是那样澄清,人物的命运也是终将战胜邪恶 The 5,000-year history of civilization of the Chinese nation has created and prospered the hundred gardens of national art. In the colorful and rich variety of art genres, folklore and theatrical art seem to be two wonderful and exotic works with splendid colors, absorbing each other and reflecting each other, and have very close relations with each other. So far in the theatrical art repertory, folklore as a theme, cast actor into numerous. In general, the spread of ancient famous folk legends, with more vivid and clever storyline, horrifying and refined character action and bright and clear legendary. Reflects the creation of these folk legends, communicators implied in the legendary figures and events, life, society, history, good wishes and beautiful vision, expounded the simple philosophy of life and clear non-standard. It is precisely because most of the creators of folklore in history are mostly based on their dissatisfaction with real life, and want to make their own designs and weaving out of the reality in the creation of legends through their own imagination and desire for life to meet their needs The wishes and ideals that can not be fulfilled in reality. Therefore, the characters reflected in the folklore and living in the realm of the legend often have obvious ideal colors and exaggerations. Right and wrong is so distinctive, the environment is so clear, the fate of the characters will eventually overcome the evil
康柏公司作为知名电脑厂商,一直致力于发展自己的全系列产品,最近又推出了Armada 1700笔记本电脑。它不仅采用了最新的英特尔Mobile Pentium Ⅱ处理器,而且集成的多功能托架
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目的 :观察氪黄激光联合七叶皂甙对中心性浆液性视网膜脉络膜病变 (简称中浆 )的治疗效果。方法 :对中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变经荧光造影证实有染料渗漏者 96眼 ,用美制COHERENT
美国经济如能在政策刺激下恢复增长当然是好消息,但美元的过度疲弱对世界各主要经济体却是一个沉重的负担 Of course, the good news is that the U.S. economy can regain
通过对栗钙土的调研,阐明了发育于坝上高原干冷气候条件下该土的区域分布、主要理化特性、潜在肥力、分区利用状况及应采取的对策。 Through the investigation on the chest