,Mutation of a Gene in the Fungus Leptosphaeria maculans Allows Increased Frequency of Penetration o

来源 :分子植物(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z19910620
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Leptosphaeria maculans, a pathogen of Brassica napus, is unable to invade most wild-type accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana, although several mutants are susceptible. The infection pathway of L. maculans via a non-invasive inoculation method on A, thaliana Ires1 (undefined), pmr4-1 (defective in callose deposition), and pen1-1 and pen2-1 (defective in non-host responses to several pathogens) mutants is described. On wild types Col-0 and Ler-0, hyphae are generally arrested at stomatal apertures. A T-DNA insertional mutant of L. maculans (A22) that penetrates stomatal apertures of Col-0 and Ler-0 five to seven times more often than the wild-type isolate is described. The higher penetration frequency of isolate A22 is associated with an increased hypersensitive response, which includes callose deposition. Complementation analysis showed that the phenotype of this isolate is due to T-DNA insertion in an intronless gene denoted as ipa (increased penetration on Arabidopsis). This gene is predicted to encode a protein of 702 amino acids with best matches to hypothetical proteins in other filamentous ascomycetes. The ipa gene is expressed in the wild-type isolate at low levels in culture and during infection of A. thaliana and B. napus.
Programmed cell death (PCD) is a central regulatory process in both plant development and in plant responses to pathogens. PCD requires a coordinate activation
“天地自古有灵气,内聚于山川,外显于风云,是谓龙咏,凡龙咏之处必有重宝。摸金校尉以罗盘掌八方,分阴阳,勘山词咏理,谓之分金;以口诀观云气,占星野,定龙穴,谓之寻龙。分金寻龙二术在身,天下可去,此口诀薪火相传,历千年丽不灭,同遭称其为寻龙诀。”  电影《寻龙诀》一开篇,就给大家解释了这个故事的概要,同时引入了一个让入如坠五里雾中的名词——“龙咏”。喜欢武侠小说的同学直该对它并不感到陌生,金庸名著《鹿
Arabidopsis cryptochromes cry1 and cry2 are blue-light signalling molecules with significant structural similarity to photolyases-a class of blue-light-sensing
目的 探讨"涵洞塌陷法"360°脊髓环形减压术治疗胸椎管狭窄症(thoracic spinal stenosis,TSS)的手术方法和疗效.方法 2005年10月至2009年10月,手术治疗26例TSS患者,男17例,女9例;年龄43~67岁,平均56岁.19例为上胸椎(T1-4)椎管狭窄,其中5例为单纯前方后纵韧带骨化(ossification of posterior longitudinal