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近年来,以“第二人生”为代表的虚拟世界在互联网应用领域所产生的影响及其蕴含的巨大商机已经引起企业界的高度重视。然而,关于虚拟世界的理论研究目前仅处于起步阶段,尚缺乏对虚拟世界用户生活方式等行为规律系统深入的认识,可供借鉴的研究方法和测量工具也很有限。基于现有的关于现实世界消费者生活方式和网络用户生活方式的研究,提出虚拟世界生活方式的概念及其测量模型,并采用在“第二人生”中进行街头拦访和问卷调查的研究方式获取数据,对该模型进行量表设计和实证分析;通过探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,初步建立包含个性满足、人际交往、社会融入和虚拟体验4个维度的虚拟世界生活方式测量模型,用以综合反映虚拟世界居民的行为、兴趣、价值观和态度等基本特征。为今后关于虚拟世界居民生活方式的研究与应用提供可以借鉴的测量工具,同时也表明在虚拟世界进行街头拦访这一实证研究方法具有可行性。 In recent years, “the second life” as the representative of the virtual world in the field of Internet applications and its impact on the enormous business opportunities has attracted the attention of the business community. However, the theoretical research on the virtual world is only in its infancy. There is still a lack of in-depth understanding of the behavioral rules and systems such as user lifestyles in the virtual world. The available research methods and measurement tools are also limited. Based on the existing researches on the lifestyle of consumers in the real world and the lifestyle of users in the internet, the concept and measurement model of lifestyle in the virtual world are put forward, and the methods of street interviews and questionnaires in "Second Life Research methods to obtain data, scale design and empirical analysis of the model; through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, initially established a virtual world life style measurement including personality satisfaction, interpersonal communication, social integration and virtual experience four dimensions Model to comprehensively reflect the basic characteristics of the behavior, interests, values ​​and attitudes of residents in the virtual world. It can provide reference tools for the research and application of life style in the virtual world in the future, and also shows that it is feasible to conduct an empirical research on street interception in the virtual world.
一、问题提出  在过去的几十年里,世界范围内的发展中国家和经济转型国家都在一片公共部门改革的呼声中努力地加强地方政府的作用。尽管世界各地的发展共同体都在尽最大努力去实现分散公共部门权力的潜在优势,但分权时所许诺的益处在实践中往往还是一场泡影,“中央和地方都试图通过讨价还价的方式,来转移改革的成本,获取最大化的收益”,使得中央的权威遭受一定程度的威胁。地方分权治理的怀疑者们往往会注意到地方政府薄弱的