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邓小平曾提出和倡导过三个标准:实践是检验真理的唯一标准;以“公有制为主体”和“共同富裕”来确定社会主义社会性质的标准;“三个有利于”的价值标准。其中,实践标准是性质标准、价值标准的理论基础,性质标准和价值标准在实践中走向内在的统一。必须正确处理好三个标准的关系。在特定时期或在某些地方,曾出现三者间没处理好的情况,如用性质标准代替价值标准;如价值标准被异化,同时也扭曲了性质标准;如性质标准的过分被强调,影响了价值标准的发挥;如以价值标准片面地代替性质标准。分析这些现象产生的原因,可以看出都和实践相关,都脱离了实践标准。总结经验和教训,我们必须正确认识和处理好三个标准间的关系,始终坚持实践标准,并在实践中不断深化对性质标准和价值标准的认识,寻找事物发展的本质规律,不断深化改革开放,全面推进中国特色社会主义建设。 Deng Xiaoping once proposed and advocated three standards: practice is the sole criterion for testing truth; standards for determining the nature of socialism with “public ownership as the main body” and “common prosperity” as the “three beneficial” The value of the standard. Among them, the practice standard is the standard of nature, the theoretical basis of the value standard, and the nature standard and the value standard move towards the internal unity in practice. The three standards must be properly handled. In certain periods or in some places, there have been situations where the three have not been dealt with well, such as substituting the standard of value for the standard of value; if the standard of value is alienated, it also distorts the standard of quality; if the standard of quality is overemphasized, The value of the standard play; such as the standard value of one-sided replacement of the standard nature. Analysis of the causes of these phenomena, we can see that both are related to practice, all from the practice standards. To sum up experiences and lessons, we must correctly understand and handle the relations among the three standards, and always adhere to the standards of practice. In practice, we must constantly deepen our understanding of the standards of nature and values, find out the essential laws governing the development of things, and constantly deepen the reform and opening up , And comprehensively promote the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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