
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mooyee6
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1914年1月18日,我出生于福建省上杭县稔田乡岐坑村一户农民家庭。在旧社会,我家同千千万万劳苦大众的家庭一样,生活极其贫苦,我十来岁就跟父亲一起下地干活,来维持全家的生活。1929年“红旗跃过汀江,直下龙岩上杭”,朱总司令、毛主席率领中国工农红军第四军两次入闽,到了我的家乡。就在这年我参加了革命,加入了共青团。1930年参加赤卫队,同年参加工农红军,当过警卫员、通讯员和武装交通员,主要任务是越过敌人的封锁线送信及护送革命同志到达苏区。一次,在攻打雁石的战斗中,我将负伤的师长背出了危险地区。 January 18, 1914, I was born in a peasant family in Qi Hang Village, Jutian Township, Shanghang County, Fujian Province. In the old society, my family, like the millions of working-hard families, lived in extremely poor conditions. When I was only 10 years of age, I worked with my father to maintain the family’s life. In 1929, “the red flag jumped over the Tingjiang River and sank down at Longyan.” Commander-in-chief Zhu and Commander Mao led the Fourth Army of the Red Army of China’s Workers and Peasants twice into Fujian and went to my hometown. Just this year I participated in the revolution, joined the Communist Youth League. In 1930 to participate in the Red Guards, the same year to participate in the Red Army of workers and peasants, served as guard, correspondent and armed traffickers, the main task is to cross the enemy cordon and escort the revolutionary comrades arrived in the Soviet Union. Once, in the fight against the geese, I wounded the injured teacher back out of the danger zone.