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近年来,随着房地产业逐步兴起并高速发展,目前已经成为国民经济发展新的增长点,城镇住宅严重短缺的时代已基本结束,住宅供求发生根本性改变。房地产业已经从卖方市场过渡到买房市场,发展重心也正从住宅建设逐渐被房地产二三级市场管理这一环节所取代。进入21世纪,我们的城市如何利用市场做文章,调控市场需求,拉动经济增长?笔者在房地产部门工作多年,见证了鄂州市房地产业的兴衰。特撰此文,对鄂州市房地产市场发展的现状进行剖析、探讨。鄂州市房地产市场现状1、房地产市场各项工作步入良性发展的轨道近年来,鄂州市围绕“培育、规范、繁荣”房地产市场的指导方针,不断加强和改善行政管理,建立健全市场规则,狠抓落实;各中介服务机构和房地产开发及物业管理企业积极拓展业务,房地产市场发育日趋完善。 In recent years, with the gradual rise and rapid development of the real estate industry, it has now become a new growth point for the development of the national economy. The era of serious urban housing shortage has basically come to an end, and the supply and demand of houses have undergone fundamental changes. Real estate has been from the seller’s market to buy a house market, the focus of development is also being gradually replaced by residential real estate secondary and tertiary market management of this link. In the 21st century, how can our cities use the market to make a fuss about the market demand and stimulate economic growth? The author has worked in the real estate sector for many years and witnessed the rise and fall of the real estate industry in Ezhou. Essay this article, the development of real estate market in Ezhou analysis of the status quo. Ezhou City, the real estate market status quo 1, the real estate market into a virtuous development of various tracks In recent years, Ezhou around the “nurture, standardize and prosper” real estate market guidelines, and constantly strengthen and improve the administration, establish and improve market rules , Pay close attention to implement; intermediary service agencies and real estate development and property management companies to actively expand their business, the real estate market is maturing.
目的:评价浙江省11家医院肺癌患者使用抗肿瘤中药康莱特注射液的应用状况,对其用药数据进行分析。方法:抽取浙江省11家医院2009~2013年肺癌患者每年40 d康莱特注射液的用药医
<正>经皮给药系统(transdermal thrapeutic systems,TTS)是指通过皮肤表面给药,药物能以恒定不变或接近恒定不变的速率穿透皮肤而最终进入体循环,从而产生局部或全身治疗作用
目的:建立参蛇软膏中盐酸小糪碱的含量测定方法。方法:采用高效液相色谱法测定参蛇软膏中盐酸小糪碱的含量,Kromasil C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm);乙腈-0.1%磷酸(41∶59)