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主持人的话:进入2005年以来,世界范围内的UFO事件呈上升趋势,国内也是频频发生并被人目击或摄入镜头,其中尤以元宵之夜山东泰安UFO事件最为轰动——不仅当地传媒连续报道,而且也因当事人将照片发给北京UFO研究会并于3月5日在该会论坛上发布后,引来网友的“热炒”。3月19日,北京UFO研究会和世界华人UFO联合会山东分会不约而同组成调查组抵达事发地进行考察,取得了宝贵的第一手资料。当晚,应主持人的邀请,山东的雪诗女士在北京UFO研究会QQ群和网友进行了“零距离”沟通。3月下旬,从北京和山东分别传来专题研讨会和调查报告“出炉”的佳音。感谢北京的飞龙先生和山东的雪诗女士允诺将他们的考察经过和成果奉献给《飞碟探索》的读者们。同时,也要感谢网友迦太基兔子的努力,使我们有机会读到网友对泰安UFO事件的议论。需要指出的是,在此公开北京UFO研究会的调查结果,并不意味着主持人或者主持人接触到的相当一部分网友完全赞同这个结论——而是因为在目前掌握的资料前提下,这也许就是个相对合理的最好解释。毕竟,从网友的议论中,从主持人自其他渠道获悉的一些情况看,“泰安2.23UFO事件”也许存在其他的可能性。因为,“镜头反光”无法澄清路灯和UFO之间形状和颜色的差异、无法解释电视台录像中的发光体、也无法辨别其他拍摄者在同样条件下却没有发生同样反射的情况,更加无法说明现场的目击者亲眼看到的事实……如果您对泰安UFO事件有自己的真知灼见,请登陆北京UFO研究会论坛(http://www.bjufo.bigwww.com/bbs/),或亲临北京UFO研究会QQ群(群号:6249901),主持人欢迎各位朋友的光临。 Moderator: Since 2005, UFO events worldwide are on the rise, the domestic frequent and witnessed or taken in the lens, especially in the Lantern Festival night in Tai’an, Shandong UFO event the most sensational - not only the local media in a row Reported, but also because the parties will be sent to the photos of Beijing UFO Research Council and March 5 in the forum after the release, attracted netizens “stir.” March 19, the Beijing UFO Research Association and the World Chinese UFO Federation Shandong Branch spontaneously formed the investigation team arrived at the incident to visit, made valuable first-hand information. That evening, at the invitation of the host, Ms. Snow Shi from Shandong conducted a “zero distance” communication with friends at the Beijing UFO Research Association QQ Group. In late March, good news from “baked” seminars and investigation reports came from Beijing and Shandong respectively. Thanks to Mr. Fei Long and Ms. Xue Shi from Shandong for their commitment and dedication to the readers of UFO Discovery. At the same time, we should also thank the users Carthage rabbit efforts, so that we have the opportunity to read netizens talk of events in Taian UFO. It should be pointed out that the results of this survey of the Beijing UFO Research Institute do not mean that quite a few users contacted by the host or host fully agree with this conclusion - but because of the information currently available, this may Is a relatively reasonable best explanation. After all, from netizens’ arguments, from some sources learned by the host from other sources, there may be other possibilities for the “Tai’an 2.23UFO incident.” Because the “lens reflective” can not clarify the difference between the shape and color of the street lamp and UFO, can not explain the television station video light, can not tell other photographers under the same conditions did not occur the same reflection, the more unable to explain the scene Witnesses see the truth ... If you have your own insights on the UFO incident in Taian, please visit the Beijing UFO Research Forum (http://www.bjufo.bigwww.com/bbs/), or visit the Beijing UFO Research Will QQ group (group number: 6249901), the host welcomes all friends to visit.
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