【摘 要】
Recently,Histone H2AX phosphorylation on a serine four residues from the carboxylterminus (producing γH2AX) as an ultra-sensitive indicator of the presence of
【机 构】
Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy,National Institute of Radiological Sciences,
【出 处】
IMP & HIRFL Annual Report
Recently,Histone H2AX phosphorylation on a serine four residues from the carboxylterminus (producing γH2AX) as an ultra-sensitive indicator of the presence of DSBs (sensitive even at the mGy level) has largely supplanted physical methods for the detection of DSBs[1].Analysis of γH2AX has potential to provide useful information on tumor and normal cell response to ionizing radiation after exposure to clinically relevant doses of radiation[2].
Recently, Histone H2AX phosphorylation on a serine four residues from the carboxylterminus (producing γH2AX) as an ultra-sensitive indicator of the presence of DSBs (sensitive even at the mGy level) has been largely supplanted physical methods for the detection of DSBs[1]. Analysis of γH2AX has potential to provide useful information on tumor and normal cell response to ionizing radiation after exposure to clinically relevant doses of radiation[2].
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众所周知,癌症的致死率极高,但人们如能在该病发生的早期进行治疗,则可以有效地降低癌症的致死率。因此,人们应对癌症的一些症状有所了解,以便做到早发现、早治疗。发烧是癌症的主要症状之一。如果人们能把癌症引起的发烧与其他疾病引起的发烧相区别,也可以早一些发现癌症。那么,癌症引起的发烧有何特点呢? 1非癌病(如感冒、痢疾等)引起的发烧患者在做血液检查时,一般可出现白细胞升高和血沉加快的现象。但癌症患者即
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A Nathaniel-Hawt-horne (1804-1864) is
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