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自1986年以来,我区连续五年对高中招生进行了统一命题,其中从1988年开始改为全区初中毕业会考暨高中招生统一命题。 数学试题是以1987年国家教委修订的中学数学教学大纲和现行初级中学数学课本为依据命题的。它既考虑到新生录取的要求,又考虑到城市、川区和山区教学的差异性,同时还考虑到要有利于初中数学的教学改革。从五年来的实践看,实行全区初中毕业会考,有利于推动初中教学改革,提高教学质量,调动广大师生的积极性,效果是好的。会考工作中,命题是关键环节,它对指导和影响初中教学起着十分重要的导向作用。同时考试命题又是一项科学性,实践性比较强的研究课题,需要在实践中不断总结经验。下面仅就这几年我们参加数学试题命题的体会,谈谈对命题思想及其导向作用的一些认识。 1.坚持在全面考查的同时,突出重点,处理好一般与重点的关系, Since 1986, our district has carried out a unified proposition for high school enrollment for five consecutive years. From 1988 it has been changed to the junior high school graduation exam in the district and the unified proposition for high school enrollment. The mathematics question is based on the 1987 revised by the National Board of Education mathematics syllabus and the current junior middle school math textbooks based on the proposition. It not only considers the requirements for freshmen admission, but also takes into account the differences in the teaching of cities, Sichuan, and mountains. It also considers that it is beneficial to the teaching reform of junior high school mathematics. Judging from the practice in the past five years, the implementation of the junior high school graduation examination in the region is conducive to promoting junior high school teaching reform, improving the quality of teaching, and mobilizing the enthusiasm of teachers and students. The effect is good. In the examination work, the proposition is the key link, which plays a very important guiding role in guiding and influencing junior high school teaching. At the same time, the examination proposition is also a scientific and practical research topic, and it is necessary to continuously sum up experience in practice. The following are just some of the experiences we have participated in the mathematics test propositions in the past few years and talk about some ideas on the propositional ideas and their guiding role. 1. While insisting on comprehensive examinations, we must focus on the key issues and deal with the relationship between the general and the key.
数学学科差生问题是个老大难问题。要大面积提高数学教学质量,必须重视转变差生问题。解决这个问题必须先要弄清造成差生所以差的原因。我认为原因大致有以下几种: 从教师方
现行高中《生物》课本有多项数据,在此试图就其中的几项加以说明,以提高教学效果。 1、(甲种本,下同)198页“一棵每年只产生两粒种子的一年生植物,经过20年,后代的数目就超