记者:如今,有关大数据的挑战有很多讨论您作为全球领先的企业数据集成软件独立供应商Informatica公司的主席兼首席执行官,是如何看待大数据的?Sohaib Abbasi:大数据是三种相互关联又迥然各异的技术趋势的集合体:海量交易数据、海量交互数据以及海量数据处理。每一种技术趋势都代表着创新突破和发展潜力。现在,随着各项创新技术的汇集,大数据展现出了大量的新机会。最重要的是,大数据带来了
Reporter: Today’s Big Data Challenges Are There Many Discussions Sohaib Abbasi: Chairman and CEO of Informatica, the world’s leading provider of enterprise data integration software, is talking about big data Sohaib Abbasi: Big data is three interrelated But also a very different set of technological trends: massive transaction data, massive interactive data and massive data processing. Every technological trend represents a breakthrough in innovation and potential for growth. Now, with the convergence of innovative technologies, big data shows a lot of new opportunities. Most importantly, big data comes with it