
来源 :人人健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuzhijiazhz
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平底鞋常常为老年人所喜爱,因为老年人感到穿着舒适轻便。但是,在不知不觉中,平底鞋会对老年人的健康产生危害。人到老年,足底肌肉和韧带都会发生退行性衰老变化,足弓弹性丧失,负重能力大大下降。肥胖者还容易形成平足。这也是老年人站立或行走时间过长,容易感到足、踝、膝、髋和腰等多个部位疼痛的主要原因。若常常穿平底鞋就进一步促进了足弓的弹性丧失,更不利于老年人负重和行走。 Flat shoes are often loved by the elderly, because the elderly feel comfortable and lightweight. However, unknowingly, flat shoes will be harmful to the health of the elderly. People to old age, plantar muscles and ligaments will occur degenerative changes in aging, loss of arch elasticity, weight-bearing capacity decreased significantly. Obesity is also easy to form a flatfoot. This is also the main reason for elderly people standing or walking too long, easy to feel foot, ankle, knee, hip and waist and other parts of the pain. If we often wear flat shoes to further promote the loss of flexibility of the arch, but not conducive to the elderly weight and walking.
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