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  On May 29th 2014, National Health and Family Planning Commission of the PRC and Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention released a Survey Report on Tobacco Use among Chinese Youth 2014, which is the first of the same kind that is nation-wide and also the result of the largest-scale survey in this field in the world. To everyone's shock, the smoking rate (smoky tobacco) among Chinese junior school students already exceeded 6%, which means that, six of every hundred junior school students are smokers…
  Youth smoking: a severe problem
  Since 1990s, smoking became more common and prevalent among Chinese teenagers. China Tobacco Control Report 2008 showed that, four million Chinese youth among their 130 million peers have already tried their first cigarette. However, for youth, occasional smoking could easily decline to addiction. Till 2014, the number reached 9.4 million, one third of who have become tobacco users. Among the students who have tried cigars, 82.3% started this experimental behavior before the age of 13.
  The 24-year-old Chen already has a 14-year-long history of smoking. Now, he at least carries 2 packs of cigarettes with him every day, not only satisfying him but also others. He started smoking at 10 years old. He first contacted cigarettes by buying a cheap pack of cigarette with a couple of his friends in his village, which was shared by the group. “At that time, we thought smoking quite cool, as a symptom for maturity.” His experience is quite typical.
  Smoking among female teenagers is worth the same alert. The Survey Report 2014 showed that, smoking rate among girls in second-year and third-year junior school are respectively 2.1% and 2.2%. Now the smoking rate of junior school girls in eight provinces already surpassed that of women at and above the age of 15.
  Abundant research indicates that, rare people start smoking or become habitual smokers after adolescence. With strong curiosity, youth are less aware on the chronic harm of tobacco to health, and once starting smoking, most of them would become life-long smokers. Half of Chinese daily smokers started smoking before 20. Nearly nine out of ten adult smokers started smoking before 19. At this age, a majority of youth who smoke are becoming or in the process of becoming habitual smokers. Once smoking becomes a habit and an addiction, smoking control and prevention requires tremendous efforts and strength.   女性青少年吸烟问题同样值得警醒。根据《2014中国青少年烟草调查报告》显示,初二和初三女生的现在吸烟率分别为2.1%和2.2%,全国有8个省份初中女生现在吸烟率已经超过了15岁及以上女性的吸烟率。
  大量研究显示, 现在很少有人是在青少年期以后开始吸烟或成为习惯性吸烟者。青少年好奇心强,不易建立对长期慢性健康危害的认识,一旦开始吸烟,大部分会成为终身吸烟者。中国一半以上的每日吸烟者在20 岁以前开始吸烟。美国几乎十分之九的现今成年吸烟者是在19岁以前开始养成的吸烟习惯。在这个年龄,大多数要吸烟的青少年已经成为或正处在变成习惯吸烟者的过程中。吸烟一旦形成习惯和产生烟瘾,要想控烟和戒烟,就需要花费巨大气力。
  External factors should
  not be ignored
  Youth are the hope of a nation. They should be provided with a benign smokeless environment for their growth and learning, but outside factors which seduce youth to smoke are present everywhere.
  Tobacco adverts and promotions are ubiquitous. According to a survey, 48.5% of Chinese students are exposed to tobacco adverts and promotions through at least one channel. Tobacco products are easy to come by. Despite the prohibitions in China like “Do not sell cigarettes to youngsters” and “No cigarettes packs can be sold at the nearby of school”, 80.5% of students under 18 are not declined when purchasing cigarettes; 64.3% can buy cigar at the whereabouts of their schools. Beyond campus, tons of tobacco adverts can be seen everywhere. Worse still, 2% of students obtained free cigars at the promotion campaigns of tobacco companies. U.S. experts pointed out that, the U.S. tobacco industry spend 8.8 billion US dollars (one million per hour) every year to promote products which are lethal and highly addictive into the market and ceaseless rounds of new products to seduce youth, including sweet, cheap and electronic cigarettes.
  Influence of portents and teachers in this aspect cannot be underestimated. Director of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Wang Yu said, over half of the students’ fathers are smokers and it exerted great impact on youth. Substantial research show that, compared with those kids with non-smoker parents, kids with smoker parents are more likely to become smokers. And teachers also play a part in this aspect. Research shows that, in the past week, 72.9% of students saw people smoke at home and public space at doors or outside. 57.5% claimed that at least one of their parents is smoker, and 13.3% saw their teacher smoke at school almost every day.   Tobacco is cheap and quite available. In China, one pack of cigarette usually costs 5 RMB, which gives an easy access to youth. Compared with other countries, 80% of Chinese students are not declined when purchasing cigarettes on the grounds of under 18-year-old. Moreover, due to the cheap price of tobacco, about one fourth of junior school students buy cigarettes by “piece”, and over half of the students are exposed in second-hand smoking environment in campus.
  Keep teenagers from
  the harm of tobacco
  May 31st, 2014, is the 27th World No-Tobacco Day with the theme of “Raising the Tobacco Taxes to Protect the Next Generation”. According to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) of the World Health Organization (WHO), price and tax are effective and important ways for reducing tobacco consumption: if tobacco tax is rose by 10%, the tobacco consumption would be reduced by 4% in high-income countries and by 8% in most medium and low income countries. According to the demand elasticity theory, if the cigarette consumption tax is added for 1 RMB each package, it would affect the consumption of 10% teenagers.
  Theoretically, there are three functions for decreasing teenager tobacco consumption through raising cigarettes’ price by tax: some teenagers would drop smoking; some would reduce the quantity and others would never start their first cigarette. Hu Dewei, professor of University of California said that, to raise tobacco price by tax is the most effective way for smoking control, especially when targeting teenagers. At the beginning of 2013, Obama proposed that the congress must improve the enforcement of federal taxes on tobacco remarkably and constantly carry out the media campaign of promoting lower rates of smoking… These effective management and measures made the teenager smoking rate fall to a new low in 2013 to 9.6% from 10.6% in 2012.
  理论上, 通过税收增加香烟价格来减少青少年烟草消费有以下3个作用:一些青少年将停止吸烟;一些青少年将减少吸烟数量;一些将永不吸第1支烟。美国加州大学胡德伟教授表示,烟草提税加价是所有控烟措施中最有效的,尤其是对青少年人群更为有效。奥巴马在2013年初提议国会必须显著提高对联邦烟草税的征收力度,降低吸烟率的媒体宣传活动持续开展……透过完全开展相关工作,这些有效的监管和措施使得美国青少年吸烟率在2013年降至新低,从2012年的10.6%降到了9.6%。   In terms of preventing minors smoking, Japan has formulated and implemented the Prohibiting Minors from Smoking Law, stipulating: people under the age of 20 cannot smoke; it is not allowed to sell cigarettes to minors; parents would be fined if they do not stop their minor children smoking; people would be fined 500,000 yen if they sell cigarettes, matches and lighters to minors. The vending machine can be seen everywhere in Japan. In order to prevent minors from buying cigarettes, the Japanese government issued an electronic card this year which can only be applied by adults, so that it needs to confirm the identity card when buying cigarettes on vending machine. This measure successfully put an end to the cigarettes-buying of teenagers in this way.
  Singapore launches anti-smoking campaigns for adolescent smoking problem. On the “World No-Smoking Day” in 2010, the Singapore Health Promotion Department held an activity on Wujie Road, the most prosperous street. 1200 high school students and college students danced in designated movements and waved stimulated money to convey the message of no-smoking is good for health and saving money. On that day, more than 400 cigarette retailers promised to stop business and called for adolescents to love the life without cigarettes. Since those activities in 1970s, the Singapore government has carried out anti-smoking actions like maintaining high taxes on tobacco and providing smoking cessation counseling and it also publishes photos of yellow teeth and black lung on the cigarette case to warn the harm of smoking.
  In China, there are more and more preventive and controlling strategies that are planned and implemented. On June 1st, 2007, the revised Law of Protection Minors was practiced officially. Selling tobaccos to minors is prohibited and the operators should set the sign of not selling cigarettes and alcohols to minors at an outstanding place; for those cannot be told whether are adults or not, operators need ask them to show their ID cards.   However, Cui Li, Deputy Director of China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission, said that, to further protect teenagers from the harm of tobaccos, besides the comprehensive measures including raising tobacco taxes, it also needs to mobilize all social forces.
  It is a long-term, complicated and arduous project of profound affects to control youth smoking, which should be realized by starting from teenagers themselves, families, schools and societies. Since family is an environment that they contact most and the behavior of parents has great influence on their healthy actions, so to create a healthy family environment is especially important for safeguarding healthy growth of teenagers. Other measures like prohibiting the promotion and sponsor of tobacco advertisements, forbidding selling cigarettes to minors and strengthening the smoking-control work of schools are all effective for reducing adolescents smoking rate. We hope that, in the near future, 300 million teenagers in China and their counterparts around the world can study and grow up in a safe, healthy and smokeless environment.
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