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冲突分析图模型中强度偏好的引入增加了决策者的感情色彩,进一步丰富了决策者的偏好信息。在强度偏好下运用冲突分析图模型理论对冲突进行建模时,有一个非常重要的问题——强度偏好的排序。本研究首先将简单偏好下的策略优先权排序法扩展到强度偏好;然后以“兰州水污染事件”为例,在兰州威立雅水务公司、地方政府和中石化兰州分公司存在强度偏好的情况下,运用扩展后的策略优先权排序法求取各决策者的强度偏好序列,并对此次水污染事件引发的冲突进行建模、分析,模拟了冲突事件中的谈判和协商过程,求得冲突各方的均衡解,案例分析过程也从战略层面为我国实现经济的可持续发展提供借鉴。 The introduction of intensity preference in the conflict analysis graph model increases the emotion of decision-makers and further enriches the decision-maker’s preference information. When using conflict analysis diagram model theory to model conflicts in strength preference, there is a very important problem - the sorting of intensity preference. In this study, we first extend the strategy priority ranking method under simple preference to intensity preference. Then, taking “Lanzhou Water Pollution Incident” as an example, intensity preference exists in Lanzhou Veolia Water Company, local government and Lanzhou Branch of Sinopec Corp. Under the circumstance, we use the expanded strategy priority ranking method to get the intensity preference sequence of each decision maker, and model the conflict caused by the water pollution incident, analyze and simulate the process of negotiation and negotiation in the conflict event, From the strategic perspective, the process of case analysis can provide a reference for our country to realize the sustainable development of economy.
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以Li2B4O7为熔剂高频电感熔样,等离子体发射光谱标准加入法测定了刚玉中的硅和钛.方法的检出限Si为 0.05 mg/L,Ti 为0.02 mg/L;线性浓度上限Si为40 mg/L,Ti为80 mg/L;回收率