Multi-Target Track-Correlation Algorithm of the Graph-Matching-Based Sensor Network

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongyan1230
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For the problem of track correlation failure under the influence of sensor system deviation in wireless sensor networks,a new track correlation method which is based on relative positional relation chart matching is proposed.This method approximately simulates the track correlation determination process using artificial data,and integrally matches the relative position relation between multiple targets in the common measuring space of various sensors in order to fulfill the purpose of multi-target track correlation.The simulation results show that this method has high correlation accuracy and robustness. For the problem of track correlation failure under the influence of sensor system deviation in wireless sensor networks, a new track correlation method which is based on relative positional relation chart matching is proposed. This method approximately simulates the track correlation determination process using artificial data, and integrally matches the relative position relation between multiple targets in the common measuring space of various sensors in order to fulfill the purpose of multi-target track correlation. the simulation results show that this method has high correlation accuracy and robustness.
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