
来源 :中国企业家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adiwang
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一个突围之作,发展出一个新的产业;一个公司,改变了中国电子商务行业和商业生态谁都没有预料到淘宝的今天格局,就像不曾预料到它的出世。2003年,为了牵制易趣围攻阿里巴巴的B2B业务,马云秘密进军C2C市场。8个人以《鹿鼎记》里韦小宝和他7个老婆为情景,做起了小买卖。两年后,靠免费策略 A breakthrough for the development of a new industry; a company that changed the Chinese e-commerce industry and business ecosystem who did not expect the pattern of today’s Taobao, as never expected its birth. In 2003, in order to contain eBay siege Alibaba B2B business, Jack secretly enter the C2C market. Eight individuals in the “Deer” Li Wei Xiaobao and his wife for the scene 7, started a small sale. Two years later, by free strategy