
来源 :中国老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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祖国医学认为,春季是万物生发的季节。老年人在春季的养生保健重在宣导春阳之气,以保障人体正常的新陈代谢,具体可从饮食、起居等方面加以调适。一、调养精神春季是肝阳亢盛之时,情绪易急躁。老年人要适应春生之气,调适心情,保持恬静、愉悦、舒畅的精神,避免恼怒,使肝气保持正常的生发。心情舒畅有助于养肝,因为心情抑郁会导致肝气郁滞,影响肝的疏泄功能,也易使神经内分泌系统功 Motherland medicine believes that spring is the season of all germinal. Elderly health care in the spring focuses on advocating Chunyang gas, in order to protect the body’s normal metabolism, specifically from the diet, living and other aspects to be adjusted. First, the spirit of recuperation Spring is the time when the liver Yang Sheng, emotional irritability. The elderly to adapt to the spring of the gas, to adjust the mood, to maintain a quiet, pleasant, comfortable spirit, to avoid irritation, liver gas to maintain normal hair growth. Feeling comfortable helps liver, because depression will lead to liver qi stagnation, affecting the function of liver evacuation, but also easy to make neuroendocrine system work
2001年世界艾滋病运动主题已由联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)在 2001年第 2季度提出,英文为“ICare,Do You”。经国家防治艾滋病性病宣传教育信息工作网络成员单位的专家讨论并报
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美国医疗仪器促进协会(Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation,AAMI)成立于1967年,总部位于美国维吉尼亚州阿林顿市(Arlington,VA),是一个非盈利组织,