Atmospheric pressure plasma electrode is a kind of gas electrode, which is expected to replace the commonly used noble metal electrode for electrochemical reaction.However, the current research on the interfacial reaction between micro-plasma anode and ionic solution and its application in metal electrodeposition are still rare. In this paper, atmospheric pressure micro-plasma was used as an anode. The content of potassium ferricyanide produced by the oxidation of potassium ferrocyanide in the anolyte was monitored by UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. It was found that the content of potassium ferricyanide increased with the extension of discharge time Increases, and its rate of increase is proportional to the discharge current.After the discharge, the content of potassium ferricyanide continues to increase with the increase of the deposition time, and the rate of increase depends on the discharge time.After the discharge, the content of iron The rate of increase of potassium cyanide content is much less than that of discharge. The experimental results show that the micro-plasma electrode can act as a gas anode for charge transport at plasma and liquid interface and initiate electrochemical reaction, Oxidation of active substances in the saturated solution of copper sulfate, the use of micro-plasma anodes can be carried out on the stainless steel cathode copper electrodeposition, Current efficiency up to 90%.