长期以来,思想政治工作存在的一个主要问题是“虚”,讲空洞的大道理多,真正解决实际问题的少。许多地方停留在“你讲我听,你打我通”的单纯说教上。渠道单一,观念滞后,方法陈旧,活力不足,重形式,轻效果,致使相当多的工作束缚在“自我循环”,“自我评价”的小圈子里,难以取得令人心服口服的实际效果。怎样解决这一问题?华北制药集团公司党委探索了一条开展“效益型”思想政治工作的新路子,其经验值得学习和借鉴。他们的做法是: 一、紧紧围绕企业改革和生产经营展开思想政治工作
For a long time, one of the major problems existing in ideological and political work is “virtual”. There are so many empty vocabularies and few real problems are actually solved. Many places remain in the simple preaching of “You tell me, you hit me.” A single channel, the concept of lagging behind, outdated methods, lack of vitality, heavy form, light effects, resulting in a lot of work tied to the “self-cycle” and “self-evaluation” in the small circle, difficult to obtain convincing oral practical results. How to solve this problem? North China Pharmaceutical Group Corporation party to explore a “benefit” ideological and political work of the new path, its experience is worth learning and reference. Their approach is: First, closely around the enterprise reform and production and management of ideological and political work