“我与《中国青年》”征文 她唤回了我们的爱情

来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolianglin
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1999年元旦刚过,与我风风雨雨、坎坎坷坷、同舟共济15年的妻来信提出与我离婚,这在我的预料之中。因为我与妻分居两地,又有一个像男孩一样顽皮的女儿,由她带着;她又担任着领导职务,工作上忙得不可开交,所有的重担都压在她柔弱的肩上,她觉得很累就经常来信诉苦,说她快扛不住了,真的需要我帮她一下。可是我由于种种原因又不能回到她身边替她分担一点什么,只能在信中为她加油鼓劲,让她把痛苦、烦恼都抛给我,我们共同坚持下去,战胜困境,也是为了我们的未来。可时间一久,她连诉苦的心情都没有了,而我又解决不了任何事情,这让我感到我们的婚姻亮起了红灯。记得在《中国青年》上有文章说,夫妻双方连吵架、诉苦的情绪都没有了的时候,那么她们的婚姻也就到了尽头。我真不希望我有这样的感觉。 Just after the New Year’s Day in 1999, it was in my expectation that my divorce was proposed to me with my ups and downs, the rough ups and downs, the 15-year-old wife lettering. Because I was separated from my wife, and there was another naughty girl like a boy, who was led by her. She held a leadership post and worked so hard that all her weight was on her weak shoulders. Her I feel very tired often letter to complain that she could not carry fast, really need me to help her look. However, for various reasons, I can not return to her side to share something with her and only cheer her up in the letter so that she will give me pains and worries. Together, we will continue to overcome the difficulties and for our sake. future. It could take a long while for her to complain of bitter feelings, and I could not solve anything, which made me feel that our marriage was red. I remember in the “China Youth” article said that both husband and wife even quarrel, complain of emotions are gone, then their marriage also came to an end. I really do not want me to have such a feeling.
看了第9期“声音”里的“电视剧也应该讲‘环保’”一文, 我举双手赞同,受其启发,对贵刊有几点建议: ●“电视剧也应该讲‘环保’”一文也应该讲讲“环保”。正文第14行“…
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