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殷元章同志对《节约技术概论》这本书作了简要的介绍。这样做,一方面可以提高图书的利用程度,减少盲目购书的可能性,减少“出版前不知道,出版后买不到”的情况;男一方面可以把本书的主要论点和重要内容向谈者推荐,使读者可以粗识其精华。这是一件很有意义的工作。读者文摘的主要要求是对厚书(或原文)消化之后,摘要地写成一篇科技文章,向读者传达。它兼有科技文章和图书介绍的双重作用。希望广大电工技术工作者,对这项工作,予以支持,踊跃投稿。此文中提出了几个有参考价值的观点,值得大家讨论:①节能的含义,必须是“能量的有效利用”,也就提高“能量利用率”。它标志昔“总用能量”与“产品总产量”之比。②由于新型能源一时还难以达到大量利用的程度,同时传统能源已面临枯竭的危机,而所需能源的总量却日益增加。因此,至少在50年内唯一的出路就是节能。此外,由于总能量中的电能比重不断增长,所以“节能”可以说“直接或间接”地意味昔主要是“节电”。因此,可以说,提高“电能利用率”是我国现代化建设的重要措施之一。③对于节能技术方案的选择,要从系统、综合的观点出发,评价其技术上的可行性和经济上的合理性。此外,还应考虑到政策、法律和传统习惯的要求,近期和远期方案的统筹安排,产品昕用材料和元器件的“含能量”。以及改变原材料、设计结构和工艺方法对有效用能的影响。④该书的作者根据美国的情况,将节电的可能性推算到2000年时,认为在工业、商业、住宅、交通运输等方面节电总量,可相当于少建86~61个100万千瓦规模的电站。 Comrade Yin Yuanzhang gave a brief introduction to the book “Introduction to Conservation Technology.” In doing so, on the one hand, it can increase the degree of utilization of books, reduce the possibility of blindly buying books, and reduce the situation of “do not know before publishing, and cannot buy after publication”; on the one hand, men can talk about the main arguments and important contents of the book. It is recommended so that readers can get a rough idea of ​​its essence. This is a very meaningful job. The main requirement of Reader’s Digest is to digest a thick book (or original) and write it out in a summary to a reader. It has the dual role of both scientific articles and book introductions. It is hoped that the majority of electrician technical workers will support this work and contribute actively. This article puts forward several points of reference that are worthy of discussion: 1 The meaning of energy conservation must be “effective use of energy,” which also increases “energy utilization.” It marks the ratio of “total energy use” to “total product output.” 2 As the new energy sources are still difficult to achieve a large degree of utilization, traditional energy sources are already facing a depletion crisis, and the total amount of energy needed is increasing. Therefore, the only way out for at least 50 years is to save energy. In addition, as the proportion of total energy in the electric energy continues to grow, “energy saving” can be said to “directly or indirectly” mean that the past is mainly “saving electricity”. Therefore, it can be said that improving “utilization rate of electricity” is one of the important measures for China’s modernization. 3 For the selection of energy-saving technology solutions, it is necessary to evaluate the technical feasibility and economic rationality of the system from a comprehensive point of view. In addition, the requirements of policies, laws, and traditional customs, the overall arrangement of recent and long-term plans, and the “energy content” of the materials and components used in products should also be considered. And the impact of changing raw materials, design structures, and process methods on effective energy use. 4 According to the United States, the author of this book calculated the possibility of saving electricity to the year 2000, and considered that the total electricity savings in industrial, commercial, residential, transportation, etc., can be equivalent to the construction of 86 to 61 1 million less. Kilowatt-scale power station.
取2个生鸡蛋,分别放在盛有清水和浓食盐水的小锅里。结果放在清水里的鸡蛋沉到了锅底,而放在浓食盐水里的鸡蛋却浮在了水面上。 Take 2 raw eggs, placed in a small pot f
世界上的鲨鱼种类许许多多,鲨鱼的踪迹也遍布四大洋。但是,只有格陵兰鲨才吃得消以北冰洋为家,它们是—— There are many shark species in the world and sharks are als