6月底,山里头到处洋溢着绿色。山头绿了,稻田绿了,就连溪水也被映绿了。一条左回右折、时出时没的崎岖山路把我们带到了茫茫林海中他的家。丘壑纵横,山野寂寥,小鸟们低低地飞着,偶尔间抬头时还会发现老鹰也在天空盘旋。 我们找到他时,他正忙完活,半蹲在井边洗脚。看着他的背影,我想像不出那竟是一位72岁高龄的老人。我们亲切地叫他上来,伸手扶他,他憨厚地笑着:“不用,我还利嗦哩!”指甲黑黑的他,鬓发已衰,背脊微驼,他用一口质朴的会同话,边走边跟我们聊着。 出生在湖南省辰溪县一个贫苦农民家庭的张明白有四兄妹,哥哥、姐姐和妹妹在三、四岁时因病没钱治疗相继夭折。父亲在洪江深山老林中打
By the end of June, the head of the mountain was full of green. Green hills, green rice fields, and even streams are also green. A left and right fold, when the time did not send the rugged mountain road to the vast sea of his home. Qiu Gul aspect, lonely mountains, birds flying low, and occasionally will find the rise of the eagle is also hovering in the sky. When we found him, he was busy, squatting at the well. Looking at his back, I can not imagine that actually was a 72-year-old man. We kindly called him up and reached for him. He smiled plainly and honestly: “No, I’m still profitable.” He was black, his hair was weak, and his back was slightly raised. He used a rustic conversation, Chat with us while walking. Zhang Mingbai, born in a poor peasant family in Chenxi County, Hunan Province, has four siblings, her brother, sister and sister died of ill-treatment at the age of three or four. My father hit the deep forests in Hongjiang