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Geothermal anomaly as a physical phenomenon of an active and latent volca nic area would be well recog-nized,and abrupt geothermal anomaly should also be understood.However,in practical work,thermal infrare d remote sensing techniques are frequently u sed to monitor geothermal flows of th e earth.But then,except for this typ e of thermal source in the surface thermal field,there still exist a lot of noises in th e area where the abrupt geothermal an omaly is generat-ed.By Analyzing the reason,we find t hat it is brought about by the non-bou ndless projection characteristics of objects.These noises may be divided into two c lasses:system noises and random noises.If disturbed noises have comparative sta-ble time sequence law and space sequence law,the noises are called system noises.And because system noises have a certain law,it is easy to remove the n oises.On the contrary,if disturbed noises have not law of time sequence a nd space sequence,the noises are called random noises.The random noises have the character of non-linearity,uncertainty and indeterminism.For this case,this p aper discusses the disturbed mechan ism of these noises as well as how to re move them.. Geothermal anomaly as a physical phenomenon of an active and latent volca nic area would be well recog-nized, and abrupt geothermal anomaly should also be understood. Now, in practical work, thermal infrare d remote sensing techniques are frequently u sed to monitor geothermal flows of th e earth.But then, except for this typ e of thermal source in the surface thermal field, there still exist a lot of noises in th e area where the abrupt geothermal an omaly is generat- ed.By Analyzing the reason, we find t hat it is brought about by the non-bou ndless projection characteristics of objects. These noises may be divided into two c lasses: system noises and random noises. If disturbed noises have comparative sta- ble time sequence law and space sequence law, the noises are called system noises. Since the system noises have a certain law, it is easy to remove the n oises. On the contrary, if disturbed noises have not law of time sequence a nd space sequence, the noises are called random noises. The ran dom noises have the character of non-linearity, uncertainty and indeterminism.For this case, this p aper discusses the disturbed mechanism of these noises as well as how to re move them.
介绍了青藏高原的地质构造概况和多年冻土特征,论述了青藏高原多年冻土区天然气水合物研究前景。 The geological structure and permafrost characteristics of the Qingha
蒙古 2 0 0万人口中 ,目前大约有 15 0万人尚未能享受到电力供应 ,其中还有至少 2 0万人在今后 10年内也无法与电网连接 ,这是因为这些牧民生活在偏僻之地且居无定所 ,而建在
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据报导 ,松下精工公司出售一种白天用太阳电池 ,夜晚用家庭电源 ,2 4小时运行的太阳能换气系统。这种换气系统由阳台设置型太阳电池模件、换气扇本体和调节器组成。它可以将
浙江省丽水市星光塑胶有限公司生产的“康泉”牌改性LLDPE太阳能热水器专用管投放市场以来 ,由于其安装兼容性、柔韧性、抗老化、抗冻、耐温等性能指标独具优势 ,再加上价位较低 ,
 1少益   “日三四里,少益耆食,和于身。”新教材将“少益耆食”注作:“稍微渐渐喜欢吃东西。少,稍微。益,渐渐……”“稍微渐渐”连用,来修饰“喜欢吃东西”,显然诘屈聱牙,语意不