Climate Change's Role in Disaster Risk Reduction's Future:Beyond Vulnerability and Resilie

来源 :International Journal of Disaster Risk Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bailiyue
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A seminal policy year for development and sustainability occurs in 2015 due to three parallel processes that seek long-term agreements for climate change, the Sustainable Development Goals, and disaster risk reduction.Little reason exists to separate them, since all three examine and aim to deal with many similar processes, including vulnerability and resilience. This article uses vulnerability and resilience to explore the intersections and overlaps amongst climate change, disaster risk reduction, and sustainability. Critiquing concepts such as “return to normal”and “double exposure”demonstrate how separating climate change from wider contexts is counterproductive. Climate change is one contributor to disaster risk and one creeping environmental change amongst many, and not necessarily the most prominent or fundamental contributor. Yet climate change has become politically important, yielding an opportunity to highlight and tackle the deep-rooted vulnerability processes that cause “multiple exposure”to multiple threats. To enhance resilience processes that deal with the challenges, a prudent place for climate changewould be as a subset within disaster risk reduction. Climate change adaptation therefore becomes one of many processes within disaster risk reduction. In turn, disaster risk reduction should sit within development and sustainability to avoid isolation from topics wider than disaster risk. Integration of the topics in this way moves beyond expressions of vulnerability and resilience towards a vision of disaster risk reduction’s future that ends tribalism and separation in order to work together to achieve common goals for humanity. A seminal policy year for development and sustainability occurs in 2015 due to three parallel processes that seek long-term agreements for climate change, the sustainable development goals, and disaster risk reduction. Little reason exists to separate them, since all three examine and aim to deal with many similar processes, including vulnerability and resilience. This article uses vulnerability and resilience to explore the intersections and overlaps admit climate change, disaster risk reduction, and sustainability. Critiquing concepts such as “return to normal ” and “double exposure ”demonstrate how decidual climate change from one contributor to disaster risk and one creeping environmental change amongst many, and not necessarily the most prominent or fundamental contributor. Yet climate change has become become politically important, yielding an opportunity to highlight and tackle the deep-rooted vulnerability processes that cause “multiple exposure ” to multiple threats. To enhance resilience processes that deal with the challenges, a prudent place for climate change reduction as a subset within disaster risk reduction. In turn, disaster risk reduction should sit within development and sustainability to avoid isolation from topics risk through this way moves beyond expressions of vulnerability and resilience towards a vision of disaster risk reduction of future that ends tribalism and separation in order to work together to achieve common goals for humanity.
一、研究青年教师解决问题处理方式的价值  首先,青年教师是教师队伍中的主力军。我园“80后”青年教师有21位,占教师总数的60%以上。在幼儿园,青年教师是充满朝气活力的群体,他们思想新颖、敢于创新,遇到问题会采用创新方式处理,也承担重要的教育教学任务,是教师大家庭中的重要组成部分。幼儿园要发展,青年教师就要成为中流砥柱。  其次,青年教师处理问题存在缺陷。他们缺乏实践经验,教学业务能力较弱,但是单
都说去欧洲旅游看建筑,看什么?有人研究柱梁,有人醉心尖顶,雕刻、壁画更是风格繁复美不胜收,还有一样装饰你一定不会错过;它是基督教堂隽永的花窗、拜占庭风格华丽的镶嵌画。它比浮雕更加内敛,比彩绘更富质感和理趣。这就是马赛克。  古罗马豪宅的地板砖  彩色的贝壳、石头和象牙——由这些碎片拼凑而成的装饰,历史可追溯到公元前2500-2000年的美索不达米亚平原,而直至萨珊王朝时期,真正的“马赛克”图案初具
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Iterative risk management and risk-sensitive public investment planning are increasingly seen as essential elements of natural disaster resilience. This article