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电器产品进出口是拉动和促进电气工业发展的一个重要因素。根据出口情况,我们可以分析国际市场和各贸易伙伴的经济发展和需求变化,以便制订出口政策,采取必要的措施,调整出口产品结构。根据进口情况,我们可以分析国内市场需求变化和国内机械产品在技术、质量、价格和服务等方面与进口产品的差距和不足,据此作为制订行业和企业发展规划,推进企业技术进步和技术改造,调整产品结构的一个重要依据。同时也是我们如何用好外资,发展中外合资、合作,引进技术或研制开发新产品的重要信息来源。 1999年电器产品进出口金额140.72亿美元,比1998年(下同)增长13.1%,占机械产品进出口总额883.8亿美元的15.9%, The import and export of electrical products is an important factor in stimulating and promoting the development of the electrical industry. According to the export situation, we can analyze the changes in the economic development and demand of international markets and trading partners in order to formulate export policies and take necessary measures to adjust the structure of export products. According to the import situation, we can analyze the changes in domestic market demand and the gaps and deficiencies of domestic machinery products in terms of technology, quality, price, and service with imported products. Based on this, we can formulate industry and enterprise development plans, and promote the technological progress and technological transformation of enterprises. , An important basis for adjusting the product structure. At the same time, it is also an important source of information on how we can make good use of foreign investment, develop Sino-foreign joint ventures, cooperation, and introduce technology or research and development of new products. In 1999, the import and export value of electrical products was US$14.072 billion, an increase of 13.1% over 1998 (the same below), accounting for 15.9% of the total US$88.38 billion in import and export of mechanical products.
包头钢铁 (集团 )公司连轧钢管厂采用从意大利 INNSE公司引进的五机架 MINI— MPM(即少机架限动芯棒连轧管机 )机组,生产外径 60~ 245mm、壁厚 3. 2~ 25mm的各种热轧无缝钢管,设
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20 0 1年 9月 17日 ,我国加入世界贸易组织所有法律文件获得通过。 11月 ,世贸组织将就中国入世进行表决。这表明 ,我国入世大局已定。如何抓往机遇 ,回避风险 ,发展我国建筑
2 0年前 ,在广东神山镇一个贫穷的村庄 ,有个大学毕业的青年教师开了一个打铁铺…… ;1983年他集资承包了农机修理站 ,建起石龙五金厂…… ;1988年进入电力行业 ,建立起广州