
来源 :语数外学习·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:otaku2456
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   There is a killer on your dinner table every night, a killer in your lunchtime sandwiches and you probably have no idea of the danger. That’s the message from experts who find that every year 17,500 people die in the UK from disease caused by eating too much salt.
   According to the latest research, salt may lead to high blood pressure, stomach cancer, and so on. More men than women die early of cardiovascular (心血管) disease, they are far less likely to have their blood pressure checked or to take medicine if it is high and they eat more salt, especially in junk food.
   Experts say that people should eat a banana after breakfast. Because banana can help to counter (对抗) the effect of salt. For lunch, people should have less ham and chicken, because ham and chicken are both high in salt at about 3g each. People should have whole meal bread and unsalted butter for lunch.
   1. About 17,500 people die in the UK every year.
   2. Salt may lead to high blood pressure and stomach cancer.
   3. More men eat more salt, especially in junk food.
   4. Experts say that people should not eat a banana after breakfast.
   5. Ham and chicken are both high in salt at about 3g each.
   Key: 1—5 F T T F T
   I enjoyed my summer holiday. I played my favorite games. I went for swimming classes both in the morning as well as in the evening. One really enjoys swimming especially during summer. I made a lot of friends. I visited my grandmother’s house. Because my grandmother is a great cook, she cooked a lot of delicious foods for me.
   We also went to Madikeri for a week. We first visited Nisargadama. We stayed in a cottage (小屋) in the middle of the forest. The cottage was made of bamboo. Right in front of the cottage was a river. We went boating on the river Cauvery. But our boat suddenly stopped because our boat had got struck on a rock underwater. We were struggling when a boatman came to help us in his boat. The boatman lifted our boat by using his oars(桨) and we could move.
   We also went for an elephant ride. We had to climb on it with the help of a ladder. We gave a lot of bananas which it ate in no time. The next day we went to Talacauvery, the source of river Cauvery. It was near the peak (山顶) of Brahmagiri. This place was so high that we felt we were in the clouds.
   1. I went for swimming classes only in the morning.
   2. My grandmother cooked a lot of delicious foods for me.
   3. There is a river in front of the cottage in the middle of the forest.
   4. A boatman came to help us in his ship when we were struggling.
   5. We gave an elephant a lot of bananas and it ate quickly.
   Key: 1—5 F T T F T
   The first so-called mobile phone was made by Bell Labs in 1946. However, the researchers can only put the mobile phone on the laboratory shelves because it was too large.
   In 1973, Martin Cooper invented the second mobile phone. The mobile phone was as big as two bricks (砖).
   The first modern mobile phone was made in 1985. This kind of mobile phone can be moved truly. But it weighed (重) about 3kg and was called “shoulder phone”.
   In 1987, another kind of mobile phone was born. It weighed about 750 grams. Although it looked like a big brick, it was easy to be carried.
   Since then, the mobile phone develops(发展) quickly. The mobile phone weighs 250 grams in 1991. And 8 years later, the phone weighs only 60 grams.
   With the development of science, the use of mobile phone is becoming more and more, such as sending and receiving mails and messages, surfing the Internet, playing games, taking pictures and so on.
   1. The first mobile phone was made by Bell Labs in 1964.
   2. The second mobile phone was as big as two breads.
   3. People can carry the second modern mobile phone easily.
   4. The modern mobile phone weighs only 60 grams in 1999.
   5. People can’t use mobile phone to play games and take pictures now.
   Key: 1—5 F F T T F
   Researchers studied 1,003 sixth-graders, 150 of whom were fat, at a Michigan middle school. The researchers found that kids who ate school lunches were 29% more likely to be fat than kids who brought lunch from home.
   Fat kids were also more sedentary (久坐的) than thinner kids. Kids who watched TV or played video games for two or more hours a day — were 19% more likely to be fat. Fat kids were less likely to join in school-run exercise programs like gym class and team sports.
   The Obama government sets aside $4.5 billion over 10 years to help school lunches and child nutrition (营养) programs; it requires school lunch programs to double the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in each meal, reduce calories and expand way to drinking water during meal time. With 31 million children receiving school lunches and 20% of all U.S. children suffering from fat, the measure should help to improve the food environment, at least for one meal a day.
   根据短文内容,完成下列句子, 每空只能填写一词。
   1. The researchers found that 29% kids __________ate school lunches were more likely to be fat.
   2. 19% kids who __________ TV for two or more hours a day were more likely to be fat.
   3. The Obama government requires school lunch programs to double the __________of fresh fruits and vegetables in each __________.
   4. The measure should help to improve the food __________, at least for one meal a day.
   Key: 1. who 2. watched 3. amount, meal 4. environment
   A new study shows that many middle schools students like eating junk food. Many parents are worried about their children’s health. Junk food contains(含有)high fats and high-calorie. So it is bad for students’ health. Eating too much junk food can do bad to students’ body. Junk food makes students become fat. Junk food can make students not want to eat meals. And junk food can make students feel their stomachs uncomfortable(不舒服的). Even junk food can lead to cancer.
   How to let students eat few junk foods? There is some good advice for students. First, students should understand the right relationship between junk food and health. Second, students should eat three meals every day on time. Third, students shouldn’t eat too many hamburgers, sandwiches, and ice creams any more. Fourth, students should eat more fruits and vegetables. At last, students should keep exercising every day. Wish every student have a healthy body.
   1. A new study says many middle schools students enjoy ___________ junk food.
   2. Junk food is bad for students’ health and ___________.
   3. It is a good habit for students to eat three ___________ every day on time.
   4. Eating too many ice creams can make students’ ___________ uncomfortable.
   5. The passage is to tell students some good __________ of eating little junk food.
   Key: 1. eating 2. body 3. meals
  4. stomachs 5. advice
一、现在完成时的构成   现在完成时是由“助动词have/ has+动词的过去分词”构成。主语是第三人称单数时用has, 其余人称用have。例如:   Peter has written six papers so far.   彼得到目前为止已做了六张试卷。   They have just had their lunch.   他们刚吃过午饭
摘 要:百年大计,教育为本,构建和谐社会有赖于构建和谐教育。和谐教育让每一位学生都能全面发展、健康成长,让每一位学生都学会做人,学会认知,学会做事,学会合作,学会生存和发展。  关键词:和谐教育;理论思考    构建社会主义和谐社会,是我国新时期一项重要战略决策。和谐社会的基本特征是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处,也是社会经济、政治、文化、教育的协调。百年大计,
1. Many fast food restaurants,therefore,have red furniture or walls.   因此,许多快餐店用红色的家具或墙壁。   【知识点拨】therefore用作副词,意为“因此”“所以”,通常放在句首或句中。放在句中时,其前后都可用逗号隔开。therefore前可用and,and前用逗号。例如:   There
摘要:著名的幼儿教育家蒙台梭利,一生从事幼儿教育的实验研究,提出了许多独特的幼儿教育理论观点,对世界幼儿教育的发展产生了巨大的影响。在当代,学习蒙台梭利的教育思想和教育方法对学前儿童仍具有特殊的意义。  关键词:蒙台梭利;教育思想;教育方法  On Montessori’s Education Thought  Xu Zheng-zheng  (Liaoning Normal University
【题型特点】   情景交际题是采取对话的形式,通过提供一定的语境,将语言放在实际生活情景中去进行考查的试题。初中阶段其主题侧重打电话、购物、看病、约会、问路等,辅助以考查问候、介绍、告别、感谢、祝愿、请求、允许等日常交际用语的运用和掌握情况。近几年,中考情景交际的常考题型有选择题和填空题两类。   【解题步骤】   1. 通读对话,领会大意。解题时应先跳过空格通览对话
低垂的刘海,飞舞的笔尖,一道接一道的难题,痛苦的思考……试卷上,一连串的公式、定理耀武扬威;考场里,一排排的“武林高手”正在群雄争霸。   “叮呤呤”,收卷的铃声毫不留情地响起,还没等我从思考的海洋中游出,最后一题只字未动的试卷早被冷冰冰的收卷人掳去。“唉,还是没有做出来,10分哩!”望着老师远去的背影,我的心里陡然升起一股莫名的愤怒与惋惜。   放学后,我也没有心情和同学对答