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随着人类社会刑罚观念的不断进化,刑罚制度也经历了历史的变迁。从19世纪末期开始,随着启蒙运动的发展,以自由刑即监禁刑为中心的现代刑罚体系得以建立。然而,监禁刑将被监禁人与社会隔离,使其难以复归社会,矫正效果不明显,重新犯罪率居高不下。第二次世界大战以后,社会矫正首先在欧美得到了快速发展,并已成为世界行刑改革发展的趋势,刑罚制度正经历以监禁刑 With the continuous evolution of the concept of punishment in human society, the penalty system has also undergone historical changes. Beginning in the late 19th century, with the development of the Enlightenment, a modern system of penalties centered on free imprisonment, namely prison imprisonment, was established. However, the incarceration of imprisonment will be imprisoned and social isolation, making it difficult to return to society, the rectification effect is not obvious, the high rate of recidivism. After World War II, social correction was firstly developed rapidly in Europe and the United States, and has become the trend of reform and development of execution in the world. The penalty system is undergoing imprisonment
夏季,该如何选择消湿热、护心脾的饮食呢?下面这篇文章讲得头头是道,赶紧跟爸爸妈妈按图索骥,选些你们爱吃的饮食吧。——编者 In the summer, how to choose a hot and hum
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科学家日前构思出新的能源设计理念,希望通过人造植物的光合作用获取更多和更清洁的能源。光合作用能使植物吸收太阳光的能 Scientists have come up with new energy desig
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一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项符合题意。本题包括12小题,每小题3分,共36分)  1. 下列说法正确的是()。  A.“金、银、铜、铁、锡”俗称五金,在这五种金属中,金属活动性最强的是铜  B. 决定元素种类的是原子的中子数  C. 洗净的铁锅出现锈迹属于化学变化   D. 五粮液酒、保宁醋、芦荟酸奶、干冰均属于混合物  2. 雄伟壮观的国家大剧院主体建筑表面安装了近2万块钛(Ti)金属板。已知
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