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1931年《文学世界》(《Literatura Mondo》)社出版了匈牙利诗人卡洛柴(K.Kalocsay)的诗集《Streita Kordo》(《张紧的弦》)。当时有评论家说,“仅仅为读这本诗集,学习世界语也值得了。”可见它的成就是划时代的。在这里我选译了诗集的第一首,供大家阅读和欣赏。这是卡洛柴1918年的作品。也就是说,他在开始学习 Esperanto 7年之后,写了这首抒情小诗。它并不是诗集中最出色的作品,更不是卡洛柴的代表作。所以选它的主要原因,一是它表现了第一次世界大战后世界语界厌恶战争、热望和平、希望各国人民友好共处的心态;二是这首以钟声为题的小诗,巧妙地运用了许多铿锵悦耳的音节,惟妙惟肖地表现了深夜钟声。朗读起来,我们会觉得铜钟轰鸣,响彻夜空,震撼着诗人的心儿,引起读者的共鸣。译文只传述了诗的大意,供参考。而他的文字声韵的优美却无法翻译,只有请大家去细细品味。我想大家会因为这种无法翻译的美妙文字,而感佩诗人的高超艺术,并为世界语优美的诗的语言而感到高兴吧。 In 1931, “Literatura Mondo” published the poetry of the Hungarian poet K. Kalocsay “Streita Kordo” (“The Tight String”). Some commentators said at the time, “For the sake of reading this book of poetry, learning Esperanto is also worthwhile.” “It can be seen that its achievements are epoch-making.” Here I chose to translate the first poem collection for everyone to read and appreciate. This is Carol Chai’s work in 1918. In other words, he wrote this lyric poem seven years after he started studying Esperanto. It is not the most outstanding work in poetry, and it is not Carlo Chai’s masterpiece. So the main reason why it was chosen was that it represented the post-World War I world dislike of war, aspirations for peace, and the hope that people of all countries would live in a friendly and coexistent manner. Second, this poem with a bell as the title was used skillfully. Many melodious syllables vividly represent the late night bells. When we read it, we will feel that the bronze bell roars and rang through the night sky, shocking the poet’s heart and arousing the reader’s resonance. The translation only conveys the general idea of ​​poetry for reference. However, the beauty of his rhyme can’t be translated. Only ask everyone to savor it. I think everyone will be happy about the poet’s superb art because of this wonderful translation that cannot be translated, and he is pleased with the language of the poetry of Esperanto.
在新世纪即将来临的时刻,全国各地的理事会集福州,共商大计。能够看到这么多新老朋友,我们非常高兴。从第四届全国世界语大会(la 4-a CinaKongreso de Esperanto)召开后到现
Ho, ni ja ekpa■is en la jaron 1994!■e la jar■an■o mi kore deziras al vi, karaj legantoj, sanon, feli■on kaj sukcesojn en la laboro. ■inojhavas la kutimon
根据所给句子的提示,在下面方格内填入适当的字母,使每竖行成为一册U-nits 17~30里所学的单词,然后再将这些词填入相对应的句子中,使句意完整: According to the hints of t
应天津南开大学邀请,韩国产业经济开发院理事长、韩国世界语协会(Korea Esperanto-Asocio)会长李种永教授于2000年12月11至14日访问了大津。天津世协副会长韩祖武同南开大学
如同人的外在气质是内在修养的表现一样,县供电企业服务水平的提高,仅靠抓窗口建设是很难真正实现的,需要的是全员服务能力和服务合力的提高 Just as the external temperam