Detection of Low-abundance Point Mutations by Competitive Strand Assisted Endonuclease Ⅳ Signal Ampl

来源 :华中科技大学学报(医学英德文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveag
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Genetic mutations are important molecular biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and surveillance.Therefore,the development of methods for mutation detection characterized with straightforward,highly specific and sensitive to low-level mutations within various sequence contexts is extremely needed.Although some of the currently available methods have shown very encouraging results,their discrimination efficiency is still very low.Herein,we demonstrate a fluorescent probe coupled with blocker and property of melting temperature discrimination,which is able to identify the presence of known or unknown single-base variations at abundances down to 0.1% within 20 min.The discrimination factors between the perfect-match target and single-base mismatched target are determined to be 10.15-38.48.The method is sequence independent,which assures a wide range of application.The new method would be an ideal choice for high-throughput in vitro diagnosis and precise clinical treatment.
目的 研究分析在糖尿病患者临床护理中开展跟踪管理的应用效果及影响.方法 将2016年8月~2018年4月期间于本院接受治疗的糖尿病患者共126例纳为研究对象,开展回顾性研究分析.依
近年来,对老年人转子间骨折的治疗方式已由非手术治疗转向积极手术治疗,随着手术的开展,一些与手术相关的问题也随之而来. 股骨外侧壁的重要性开始得到关注[1] ,目前认为,伴
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目的 分析探讨连续护理干预对糖尿病患者病情控制的影响.方法 抽取我院已建立慢性病档案的糖尿病患者40例作为研究对象,采取随机分组,观察组和对照组各20例,对观察组实施护理