On the Politics and Participation in the Development of Urban Communities in China

来源 :Social Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyhai110
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本文对20世纪90年代以来中国城市普遍开展的社区建设的性质进行了分析,指出城市社区建设在社会组织方式和社会管理模式转换中的作用,认为城市社区建设是一个复杂的经济、政治和社会过程。文章分析了经济因素对社区建设的重要意义,认为社区建设需要经济的支持,但社区服务所产生的经济收益并不能有效地支持社区建设的开展,政府和企业应该对之给予更多投入。社区建设有丰富的政治内涵。政府力图通过社区建设实现社会管理体制的转变,同时又要保持社会的稳定。由于中国的市民社会发育缓慢,因此,社区建设的政治目标的实现面临着挑战。文章认为社区建设的重要目的是形成新的社会团结,而广泛的社区参与是不可忽略的环节。 This paper analyzes the characteristics of community construction generally carried out in Chinese cities since the 1990s and points out the role of urban community construction in the transformation of social organizations and social management models. It holds that urban community construction is a complex economic, political and social issue process. The article analyzes the significance of economic factors to community construction, and thinks that the construction of the community needs the support of economy. However, the economic benefits from community service can not effectively support the development of community construction. The government and enterprises should give more input to it. Community building has rich political connotation. The government seeks to transform the social management system through community building, while maintaining social stability. Due to the slow development of civil society in China, the realization of the political goal of community construction is facing challenges. The article holds that the important purpose of community construction is to form new social solidarity, while extensive community participation can not be ignored.
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1=CJ=11确懊、活汉脚f,卜一一2 啦…… 啦·….一!n只只片i头!a一_. 石二~二舀‘一‘二舀-~二,‘二.‘一卜二盆~二盆‘二一二二一~.- 我的酒翻渊犷津。银色的冬令营 我的理想
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