
来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dy_dj
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在西德VEB NARVA “Rosa Luxemburg”联合企业与西德德雷斯登科学院固体物理和材料科学中心研究所及东德里扎轧制与冶金技术工程学校的紧密配合下,研究了一种可供中型冶金企业使用的纯Mo-K-Si合金以及含或不含添加剂的钨之经济而工序简单的轧制方法。该方法与常使用的锤锻方法相比具有以下主要优点: 1.难熔金属棒可以直接在烧结状态中进行加工,而且方形截面棒或者等静挤压和间接烧结成的圆棒也适用。2.与锤锻方法相比,轧制时较高的变形度有利地促进了组织进展,特别是对于孔隙焊合更有利,必要时可逐道次检查控制情况。3.用轧制方法生产的半成品可满足电光源制造工业对焊接技术(比如钨-镧电极)的高要求,同时也能满足电触头生产厂家的要求。4.与普通热锻方法相比,新的轧制工艺有较高的变形速度,且缩减了某些轧制工序,因此可大大地提高生产率。5.采用轧制法明显地节省了电能和生产辅助材料(如煤气、锤锻模具用的特殊钢等等)。轧制设备(二辊轧机),包括烧结金属棒连续送入的加热设备在内,投资合理。6.特别是开坯轧制的精确供料设备,可通过调整前后加工工序来实现。如果需要中间热处理,那么只需略微改变一下现有丝材的标准生产工艺即可。而且通过前后加工工序的最佳化,可以探索出进一步提高产量的途径。7.新的轧制方法也将改善工作条件,并大大地减小生产W-Mo烧结棒的噪音和锤锻机的振动。 In close cooperation with the joint venture of Rosa Luxemburg VEB NARVA “Rosa Luxemburg” in West Germany and the Institute of Solid State Physics and Materials Science of West Dresden Academy of Sciences and the East Drizzl rolling and metallurgical engineering school, Pure and economical processes with simple processes for pure Mo-K-Si alloys used by metallurgical companies and tungsten with or without additives. This method has the following major advantages over commonly used hammer forging methods: 1. Refractory metal rods can be machined directly in the sintered state, and square rods, or isostatically pressed and indirectly sintered round rods are also suitable. 2. Compared with the hammer forging method, the higher degree of deformation during rolling advantageously promotes the progress of the organization, especially for the pore welding is more favorable, if necessary, check the control situation by road. 3. The semi-finished products produced by the rolling method can satisfy the high requirements of the electric light source manufacturing industry for the welding technology (such as tungsten-lanthanum electrode), and can also meet the requirements of the electric contact manufacturer. 4. Compared with ordinary hot forging method, the new rolling process has a higher deformation speed, and reduced some of the rolling process, thus greatly improving productivity. 5. The use of rolling significantly saves energy and production aids (such as gas, forging dies with special steel, etc.). Rolling equipment (two-roll mill), including the continuous feeding of sintered metal rods, heating equipment, investment is reasonable. 6. In particular, the precise supply of raw material rolling equipment, can be adjusted by processing before and after the process to achieve. If intermediate heat treatment is required, then only a slight change to the standard production process of the existing wire can be made. And through the optimization of front and back processing operations, we can explore ways to further increase production. 7. The new rolling method will also improve working conditions and greatly reduce the noise generated in the production of W-Mo sintered rods and vibrations in hammer machines.
对研制出的Cu-15Ni-8Sn合金采用800~850℃固溶,≥70%冷变形,400~450℃时效处理,可获得最佳物理、机械性能,合金可部分代替铍铜。 The developed Cu-15Ni-8Sn alloy with 800 ~
搏击精妙组合技是战胜对手的秘密武技,它讲究招式连环、动作有力、意念毒辣、打位准确、气势凶狠、技法多变和立体攻击等,实战中使对手在摧枯拉朽、势不可挡的连环技法中一败涂地。    第1招 右手下压+左中边腿+右高边腿    双方对战,对手突然发左侧踹腿攻踢我的胸部,我快动应变,用右手下压破化来腿,接着上体右转进步发左中位边腿狠踢其心腹,随之我连招发右高边腿补踢对手的头部,同时双手臂随摆体周,使之受到重
张颐武  北京大学中文系教授、博士生导师,北京大学文化资源研究中心副主任。从事中国当代文学、电影、大众文化和批评理论的教学与研究。90年代以来,在全球化与中国当代文化关系方面进行了一系列前瞻性的研究,著有《在边缘处追索》、《大转型》、《从现代性到后现代性》等论著多种。    奥运之前,我总是感到北京人有一种把未来的时间借到现在的强烈的渴望。是,大家都习惯于把当时还在建设的鸟巢、水立方等当作现实的存