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<正> 当前,在我国稳定政局,稳定经济,稳定人心是现阶段各项工作的出发点和立足点,而物价的稳定又是稳定这个大局的一个十分重要的大事。如何正确认识稳定物价,目前稳定物价的难点是什么?如何解决?在此,谈几点粗浅的认识。
The characteristics of the particulate mouse centromere enriched fraction from isolated nuclei obtained in our laboratory were investigated by indirect immunofl
<正> 香港人勤奋好学,富有拚搏精神,具有灵活适应世界的头脑,因而香港的繁荣,和香港人的努力是分不开的。大多数商人的经营之道是注重产品质量,讲牌子,方便顾客,处处为顾客着
Casein kinase G (CKG) with more than 2500-fold enrichraent was purified from Bufo bufo gargarizans ovaries. The catalytic activity of the enzyme was found to be
Three anti-keratin MAbs were used to identify keratins expressed in early embryos of Bufo bufo gargarizans .MAb AF5 recognized three polypeptides of keratin in
<正> 如果用一句话概括种类繁多的服务性产业的共同特征的话,那就是它能够赋予产品“情绪价值”。 何谓“情绪价值”呢? 在日本市场上,那种用篮子盛得满满的、大小不等的苹果
The distribution of acetylcholinesterase(AChE)-positive structures in the developing rat spinal cord was studied with AChE-histochemistry.AChE-positive perikary
The region between the preexisting and nascentmembranes of a cleaving Rana egg is a dense protrusionregion of nearly 40μm wide at 180&#176;stage.Later,thisregi
<正> 随着社会主义市场经济的发展,企业人才流动已成为不可阻档之势,并呈现出两大特点: 一是流动的异域性日趋扩大。具体表现为“三跨”:其一,跨国界。出国求学、求职仍是当