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与计算机操作系统相比,手机操作系统涉及的知识产权问题更复杂。涉及知识产权权利人众多,因此需要成立专门的手机操作系统组织制定出合理科学的知识产权政策来协调各方权利人的利益。然而,作为一种知识产权联营行为,其不可避免地可能会涉及反垄断法和限制竞争等法律问题。同时,知识产权政策作为一种格式合同,不可避免地会涉及合同法的一些问题,因此对其涉及的法律问题进行分析整理,是很有必要的。世界上主要的操作系统包括塞班操作系统(Symbian OS)、Linux操作系统(Linux OS)、Android操作系统(Android OS)、Windows Mobile OS、iPHONE OS、Palm OS、RIM OS等。相应地,主要手机操作系统组织包括塞班基金会(Symbian Foundation)、Limo基金会(Limo Foundation)和开放手机联盟(Open Handset Alliance,OHA),以及单一企业形式的微软公司、苹果公司和黑莓公司等。鉴于单一公司的形式不符合我国手机操作系统市场的发展现状,因此本文的研究将针对前三者进行。对于上述手机操作系统组织而言,无论是采取基金会的形式,还是采取联盟的形式,都是由移动产业链中许多企业形成的利益共同体,如何在多方利益间寻求平衡,从而实现多赢,从而使手机操作系统得到更好的推广,是这些组织需要着重考虑的问题,这也是其知识产权政策的重点所在。本报告从我国实际出发,通过对世界上主要手机操作系统组织知识产权政策从法律角度进行分析,并结合我国手机操作系统组织组建面临的国内市场环境,对其知识产权政策的制定提出可行性建议。 Compared with the computer operating system, mobile phone operating system involved in the issue of intellectual property more complex. Involving a large number of intellectual property rights holders, it is necessary to set up a special mobile phone operating system organizations to develop a reasonable scientific intellectual property policy to coordinate the interests of all rights holders. However, as an IP joint venture, it inevitably may involve legal issues such as antitrust law and restriction of competition. At the same time, as a format contract, intellectual property policy will inevitably involve some issues of the contract law. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and sort out the legal issues involved. The major operating systems in the world include Symbian OS, Linux OS, Android OS, Windows Mobile OS, iPHONE OS, Palm OS and RIM OS. Accordingly, the major handset operating system organizations include the Symbian Foundation, the Limo Foundation and the Open Handset Alliance (OHA), as well as single-enterprise forms of Microsoft, Apple and Blackberry Wait. Since the form of a single company does not meet the development status of China’s mobile phone operating system market, the research of this paper will be conducted for the first three. For the mobile phone operating system organizations, both in the form of a foundation, or take the form of alliance, are formed by the interests of many enterprises in the mobile industry chain, how to balance the interests of multiple parties in order to achieve win-win, So that the mobile operating system can be better promoted, these organizations need to consider the issue of focus, which is also the focus of its intellectual property policy. Based on the reality of our country, this report analyzes the organization’s intellectual property policies of the world’s major mobile phone operating systems from a legal point of view, and puts forward feasible suggestions on the formulation of its intellectual property policies based on the domestic market environment in which China’s mobile phone operating system is organized and set up .
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