天津卫视 聚合正能量 品牌再升级 专访天视卫星传媒股份有限公司总经理、天津卫视总监孔令泉

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纵观整个2014年,省级卫视总体的发展格局其实并未出现大的波动,虽然第一阵营的竞争依旧激烈,尽管非理性和不规范的现象依旧存在,但各卫视在内容、编排、营销各领域的创新性战略还是层出不穷,带来了内容和市场的双重繁荣。而在即将到来2015年,各卫视不仅将面临新政策影响,还要面对网络视频更强烈的冲击,以为数众多的省级卫视来说注定又会是充满机遇和挑战的一年,任何风吹草动都有可能引发蝴蝶效应,各卫视将如何部署与应对,同样考验着战略谋划者的智慧。目前,从各家卫视的2015年推介会来看,为应对当前形势,也是各出奇招。 Throughout 2014, the provincial satellite TV overall development pattern did not show major fluctuations, although the first camp is still fierce competition, despite the irrationality and irregularities still exist, but the content in each satellite, orchestration, marketing Innovative strategies in various fields continue to emerge, bringing about the dual prosperity of content and markets. In the upcoming 2015, all TV stations will not only face the impact of the new policy, but also to face a stronger impact of online video, so many provincial TV stations are destined to be full of opportunities and challenges for a year. Any sign of trouble Are likely to trigger the butterfly effect, the satellite TV will be how to deploy and deal with the same test of the wisdom of strategic planners. At present, judging from the 2015 Satellite TV meeting of various TV stations, various tactics are also taken in response to the current situation.
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