Electrochemical C-V Characteristics and Photoluminescence of a-C∶N Films

来源 :城市道桥与防洪 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhougang1020
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Amorphous carbon (a-C) films and amorphous carbon films incorporating with the nitrogen (a-C∶N) were deposited on silicon substrates in a radio-frequency driven plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition system, while the surface electrical properties of films were investigated by electrochemical capacitance-voltage measurements. It was examined the effect of the interface defects on the properties and deduced that the conducting type of a-C∶N films was n-type. Subsequently, a comparative studies of a-C and a-C∶N films were performed by photoluminescence spectra depending on the temperature. With the decrease of the temperature, the main band with peak energy of 2.48 eV in the a-C∶N films was more intense compared with the other three bands caused by amorphous C in the a-C films.
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