
来源 :中华医学教育杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaqishi
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目的:通过调查研究某高校附属医院各年级临床医学专业硕士研究生(下文简称“医学研究生”)的心理健康状况,侧重分析三年级医学研究生的心理健康,为即将毕业的医学研究生心理健康辅导提供理论依据。方法:采用心理弹性量表、心理压力源量表和症状自评量表对某高校3所附属三级甲等医院2016级至2018级随机抽取的941名医学研究生进行调查并分析。结果:医学研究生总体的心理弹性总分高于全国大学生常模(64.81±9.99分比59.97±10.46分),其心理健康水平总体良好。三年级医学研究生心理健康总体状况差于一二年级医学研究生(61.91±7.83分比67.51±11.79分、67.26±9.40分);三年级医学研究生的心理压力以就业和前途压力(2.60±0.67分)、学业压力(2.51±0.70分)最为突出。三年级医学研究生中男生的心理弹性状况优于女生(65.04±9.27分比60.16±10.46分,n P=0.008),单身或恋爱状态研究生的心理弹性状况优于已婚状态研究生(61.52±4.93分、64.20±7.19分比57.82±6.97分,n P=0.010),差异具有统计学意义;三年级医学研究生心理症状阳性率达到21.9%(65/297),其中城市生源检出结果阳性率多于农村生源,差异具有统计学意义(23.8%比18.3%,n P<0.01)。n 结论:三年级医学研究生的心理健康问题不容忽视,尤其是女性、已婚和来源于城市的医学研究生,相关部门应根据影响因素采取措施进行心理疏导和干预。“,”Objective:Through investigating the mental health status of medical graduate students of all grades(hereinafter referred to as medical graduate students), and focusing on analyzing the psychological health of the third grade graduate students, we provide theoretical basis for the psychological health counseling of medical graduates who are about to graduate.Methods:Using resilience scale, stressor scale and symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90), 941 medical postgraduates from grade 2016 to grade 2018 in three tertiary hospitals affiliated to a university were investigated and analyzed.Results:The mental health level of medical graduates was generally good(64.81±9.99 vs 59.97±10.46). The mental health of the third grade medical graduates was worse than that of the first and second grade medical postgraduates(61.91±7.83 vs 67.51±11.79, 67.26±9.40). The most prominent mental stress of the third grade students was employment(2.60±0.67) and study(2.51±0.70). The mental status of the third grade medical graduates who were male, single or in love was higher than that of the third grade medical graduates who were female or married (65.04±9.27 vs 60.16±10.46, n P=0.008; 61.52±4.93, 64.20±7.19 vs 57.82±6.97, n P=0.010). The positive rate of the third grade students was 21.9%(65/297), and the positive rate of urban students was higher than that of rural students, the difference was statistically significant(23.8% vs 18.3%, n P<0.01).n Conclusions:The mental health problems of graduating medical graduates cannot be ignored.Urban students and married students have relatively poor psychological status. The relevant departments should take targeted measures to conduct psychological counseling and preventive intervention based on influencing factors.