
来源 :有色金属(冶炼部分) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhq198709
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我厂处理的低品位矿石,原矿含铜0.1~0.2%,所得精矿品位在2~3%,含铁高达40~50%,大部分是黄铁矿。为了既要抑制黄铁矿又要不影响铜和金的回收率下降,选择了对黄铁矿作用较弱的黑药做捕集剂,制订出先选出高品位铜精矿,再选出含金的黄铁矿,以后再进一步富集金的方案。使用黑药作捕集剂的小型试验表明,原矿品位0.11%时,回收率为89.13%,虽然比使用黄药时为低,但精矿品位达到5~6%,比使用黄药时提高两倍以上。如果增加精选,精矿品位还可以再提高。 I plant handling low-grade ore, ore containing copper 0.1 to 0.2%, resulting concentrate grade 2 to 3%, up to 40 to 50% iron, mostly pyrite. In order to not only inhibit the pyrite but also affect the recovery of copper and gold decreased, the choice of a weak role of pyrite pyrex do traps agent, to formulate the first choice of high grade copper concentrate, and then select the containing Gold pyrite, gold and then further enrich the program. Small trials using black drug as a collector showed that the recovery was 89.13% at 0.11% crude ore grade, although the concentrate grade was 5-6% lower than when using xanthate and increased by two Times more. If you increase the selection, concentrate grade can also be increased.
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1981年全世界原铝消耗量下降5%,全年销售额为2.68亿英镑.比1980年下降4%。 1981年美国各铝业公司的成果都是令人沮丧的,唯独阿鲁玛克斯分司出人意外。该公司的收益由1980 In