Taming Financial Cycles Carefully

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  While the markets debate China’s latest round of economic growth, national regulators are focusing on an equally important factor in the economy—financial cycles.
  In its latest quarterly monetary policy implementation report, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the nation’s central bank, devoted a special column to this concept, describing it as an “increasingly significant issue” that should be handled with macroprudential approaches to prevent systemic risks.
  “While traditional monetary policy can address instability during economic cycles, it is not effective enough to balance controls on economic and fi nancial cycles, which are caused by the expansion and contraction of fi nancial variables,” the central bank said.
  The global financial crisis showed that traditional economic indicators, like GDP growth and infl ation rates, were not necessarily linked with fi nancial stability.
  Leading up to the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis in 2007, the global economy was rising strongly with steady infl ation, but skyrocketing stock markets and housing prices sowed the seeds of the crisis.

  “When economic and fi nancial cycles do not move in sync, they may lead to different or even adverse effects, thus making macro policies conflicting and ineffective,” the PBOC said in the report.
  The central bank’s concern is in line with those of many other governments and international institutions, who warn that the ups and downs of fi nancial cycles may span economic cycles and could even lead to a future crisis.
  In its annual report earlier this year, the Bank of International Settlements noted the looming risks triggered by financial expansion in several countries, saying “the main cause of the next recession will perhaps resemble more closely that of the latest one—a fi nancial cycle bust.”
  The issue is particularly relevant in China nowadays as the nation works on deleveraging and puts tough curbs on the property market in order to defuse risks and asset bubbles, both of which are considered key indicators of fi nancial cycles.
  “The impact of financial cycles on the macroeconomy is not short-term fluctuations, but rather mid-term ones,” said Peng Wensheng, global chief economist with Everbright Securities.
  To better harness financial cycles, the PBOC, like many other central banks, has adopted a policy framework that involves the use of both monetary tools and macro-prudential regulation to make counter-cyclical adjustments.   Under a “twin pillar” framework, the central bank has established a macro-prudential assessment framework to regulate fi nancial institutions and for liquidity management has increasingly relied on monetary tools like open market operations, rather than adjustments in interest rates or reserve requirement ratios.
  The “twin pillar” framework was emphasized in the key report delivered to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which reiterated efforts to improve the financial regulatory system to forestall systemic fi nancial risks.
  China’s overall leverage ratio is still growing, but at a slower pace. Overall leverage was 257.8 percent of GDP at the end of the first quarter of this year, up slightly from 257 percent at the end of 2016. The nonfinancial corporate leverage ratio declined to 165.3 percent at the end of March from 166.3 percent at the end of 2016, according to the Bank of International Settlements.
  The Chinese Government has also stepped up scrutiny to stem malpractice in the financial sector and placed strict controls on the real estate market to curb speculation.
  “Deleveraging is a slow and complicated process, and the permanent cure to high leverage risks is solving structural issues,” said Zhou Yueqiu, director of the Urban Finance Research Institute of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
  Peng also said that although the possibility of China seeing a systemic financial crisis was small, it did not mean that the real estate and fi nancial sectors should seek unlimited expansion.
  “To make further financial structural adjustments, China should increase the use of fi scal tools in the money supply, instead of only relying on bank credit. Meanwhile, the government should strengthen its ongoing regulatory scrutiny to curb misconduct in the sector,” Peng said.
【摘要】银行会计一方面作为一项基础性工作,要求反映真实公允的财务信息,并对经营管理活动实施核算监督;另一方面,银行会计作为核心环节,更是对银行的经营风险和信用风险有着直接或者间接的影响。所以,面对着并不单纯的外围环境和人为因素,强化银行会计风险管理、积极防范各种风险是避免资金损失、杜绝金融案件发生不可或缺的一环,是加强银行内部控制的重中之重。  【关键词】商业银行 会计风险 风险控制  一、商业银
垂体后叶素  这个看上去很陌生的名词,从生理上决定了女性的幸福感。有研究表明,当女性感到放松或幸福的时候,体内的垂体后叶素会增加。如果女人被男人遗弃或忽视,她体内的垂体后叶素就会减少。女人需要不断释放垂体后叶素以获得幸福的感觉。如果女人体内的垂体后叶素水平比较低,她回家后就会渴望得到支持和安慰,以缓解压力。加州克来蒙大学的一项研究表明,网络社交的便利大大减少了女性对于依靠家庭与男人关爱分泌垂体后叶
女性因为网络而发生的改变处处可见。但很多人却不知道,女性在潜移默化地改变着被时代惯性带入网络时代的男权规则。未来我们再称呼网络的时候,很有可能会用“她”而不是“他”。  工业革命的蒸汽机让整个世界的男权体系愈来愈稳固,而后工业革命时代的电脑则减小了体力在生产上的优势,让知识成为第一劳动力,从而缩小了男女之间的差距,这让男权的根基发生了松动。到了后现代的网络时代,更加平等的身份体系和创造力经济的兴起
China mulls its first free trade port areas in Shanghai When President Xi Jinping,also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee,o
【摘要】“一行三会”是我国金融管理体系的基本架构,在这种架构下,地方金融管理则显得较为薄弱。而地方金融管理与法律直接关联,法律制度的确实就会给地方金融管理造成难度,为了促进地方金融管理工作的开展,就必须加地方金融管理法律建设,为地方金融管理提供法律依据。本文就地方金融管理法律问题进行了相关的分析。  【关键词】地方金融 管理 法律建设  一、引言  近年来,我国许多地方的金融机构发生了金融风波,从