Ribotrap Analysis of Proteins Associated with FHL3 3’Untranslated Region in Glioma Cells

来源 :Chinese Medical Sciences Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lclanki
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Objective To screen the proteins associated with four-and-a-half LIM domains 3(FHL3) 3’ untranslated region(3’UTR) in glioma cells. Methods Western blot was adopted to detect the regulatory effect of poly(C)-binding protein 2(PCBP2) on FHL3. Biotin pull-down and sliver staining were employed to screen and verify the candidate binding proteins of FHL3 3’UTR. Then liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS) and molecule annotation system were used to identify and analyze the candidate binding proteins. Immunoprecipitation was conducted to study the interaction between PCBP2 and polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 1(PTBP1), a binding protein identified by LC-MS/MS. Results PCBP2 could bind to FHL3 mRNA 3’UTR-A and inhibited the expression of FHL3 in T98 G glioms cells. 22 candidate binding proteins were identified. Among them, there were 11 RNA binding proteins, including PCBP2. PTBP1 associated with FHL3 mRNA 3’UTR and interacted with PCBP2 protein. Conclusion PCBP2 and PTBP1 can both associate with FHL3 mRNA 3’UTR through forming a protein complex. Objective To screen the proteins associated with four-and-a-half LIM domains 3 (FHL3) 3 ’untranslated region (3’UTR) in glioma cells. Methods Western blot was adopted to detect the regulatory effect of poly (C) -binding protein 2 (PCBP2) on FHL3. Biotin pull-down and sliver staining were employed to screen and verify the candidate binding proteins of FHL3 3 ’UTR. Then liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS / MS) and molecule annotation system were used to identify and analyze the candidate binding proteins. Immunoprecipitation was conducted to study the interaction between PCBP2 and polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 1 (PTBP1), a binding protein identified by LC-MS / MS. Results PCBP2 could bind to FHL3 mRNA 3 ’ UTR-A and inhibited the expression of FHL3 in T98 G glioms cells. 22 candidate binding proteins were identified. Among them, there were 11 RNA binding proteins, including PCBP2. PTBP1 associated with FHL3 mRNA 3 ’UTR and interacted with PCBP2 protein. PCBP2 and PTB P1 can both associate with FHL3 mRNA 3 ’UTR through forming a protein complex.
将携带有AtDREB1A基因, 并以35S或rd29A启动子驱动的植物表达载体转入地被菊花(Dendranthema grandiflorum)的粉色品种'Fall color'. 与野生型相比, 35S:DREB1A转基因植株表
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