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随着现代社会工业与科技的迅猛发展,人类社会获得前所未有的发展,但一系列生态环境问题相继出现,由此带来的诸多社会问题,使生态学研究不再囿于自然科学领域,开始了“人文转向”。一些新的思潮与学科随之兴起,其中,生态翻译学是一种从生态取向,对翻译进行综观的跨学科研究。它的研究主要包括生态翻译研究范式、翻译的生态环境、生态翻译的三维度及“翻译即选择与适应”的概念等。二十一世纪,生态电影在全球电影领域逐渐成为流行热点,获得越来越多的关注。同期,一些优秀的中国生态电影被创作出来,但在世界舞台未能嘹亮发声。如何将生态翻译学与中国生态电影的对外传播联系起来,是本文探讨的重点。 With the rapid development of industry and science and technology in modern society, human society has enjoyed unprecedented development. However, a series of ecological and environmental problems have emerged one after another, resulting in many social problems that have caused ecological research to cease to be in the field of natural science and begin “Humanistic Turn ”. Some new thoughts and disciplines have arisen. Among them, ecotranslatability is an interdisciplinary research that takes ecology as an orientation and translates. Its research mainly includes the research paradigm of ecological translation, the ecological environment of translation, the three dimensions of ecological translation and the concept of “translation, selection and adaptation”. In the 21st century, eco-movie has become a popular hot spot in the field of global movie, attracting more and more attention. In the same period, some excellent Chinese ecstatics were created, but they failed to shout loudly on the world stage. How to relate ecotranslation and the spread of Chinese ecofriendly movies is the focus of this article.
目的 探讨应用臂外侧皮瓣桥接再植复杂性离断拇指的方法和临床效果.方法 2007年6月至2009年12月,对9例损伤严重伴有较大面积皮肤、软组织缺损的离断拇指,应用臂外侧皮瓣桥接
目的 观察椎间融合器联合椎弓根螺钉系统治疗腰椎滑脱的临床疗效.方法20例腰椎滑脱患者,10例行椎间融合器联合椎弓根螺钉系统手术治疗,10例行椎管减压椎间植骨术.结果两组患
目的 观察胃癌细胞株中胸苷磷酸化酶(TP)表达水平与其对化疗药物5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)及其前体药去氧氟尿苷和卡倍他滨敏感性的关系.方法 利用Lipdectamin 2000将质粒pEGFP-N1及
开展了渝苜1号紫花苜蓿品种比较试验、区域试验和生产试验的选育研究。结果表明:该品系具有高产、耐湿热、直立、根系分枝多等特点,年平均干草产量达15.0 t/hm2。初花期全株