胃癌及慢性胃病患者脾证分型与cyclin E表达的关系

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目的探索胃癌、慢性胃病患者脾证分型与 cyclin E 表达的关系.方法在胃癌和慢性胃病患者中,选取具有中医脾虚表现的脾气(阳)虚、脾阴虚患者,和具有脾实表现的脾胃湿热、寒湿困脾证患者,以及按慢性浅表性胃炎、肠上皮化生、不典型增生、胃癌分组的患者,进行胃粘膜组织 cyclin E 免疫组化染色;对各证型的 cyclin E 表达进行比较,并分析 cyclin E 在常见胄粘膜病变中表达的差异.结果 cyclin E 在上述四种脾证分型的表达有显著性差异,阳性百分率分别为7.9%,27.3%,31.4%和14.3%.在慢性浅表性胄炎、肠上皮化生、不典型增生和胃癌的表达也有显著性差异,阳性率分别为7.5%,28.6%,37.9%和42.6%,后两者已较接近.结论胃癌和慢性胃病患者中,不同的中医脾证其 cyclin E 表达明显不同,在脾胃湿热和睥阴虚证型中较高,在寒湿困脾和脾气(阳)虚证型中较低.cyclin E 表达随病变由慢性浅表性胃炎、癌前病变到癌而逐渐增高,其与胃癌的发生发展密切相关. Objective To explore the relationship between the syndrome differentiation of spleen syndrome and the expression of cyclin E in patients with gastric cancer and chronic gastritis.Methods The patients with gastric cancer and chronic gastritis were selected with the symptoms of spleen deficiency (yang) Gastric mucosa, patients with spleen-stomach damp-heat and cold-dampness and spleen-qi syndrome, as well as patients with chronic superficial gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia and gastric cancer. The expressions of cyclin E , And analyze the difference of cyclin E expression in the common mucosal lesions.Results The expression of cyclin E in the above four spleen syndromes was significantly different with the positive rates of 7.9%, 27.3%, 31.4% and 14.3 % .In chronic superficial sargitis, the expression of intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia and gastric cancer were also significantly different, the positive rates were 7.5%, 28.6%, 37.9% and 42.6% respectively, the latter two were close. Conclusions Among patients with gastric cancer and chronic gastritis, the expressions of cyclin E in different TCM syndromes are obviously different, which are higher in damp-heat of the spleen and stomach and yin-deficiency syndrome, and lower in the symptoms of cold-dampness and qi deficiency. The expression of cyclin E varies with chronic superficial lesions Gastritis, precancerous lesions to cancer and gradually increased, it is closely related to the development of gastric cancer.
[目的]观察干扰素联合炎琥宁治疗小儿手足口病的临床效果.[方法]186例手足口病患儿随机分为三组:Ⅰ组肌注干扰素α1b(6~20 μg),同时静脉滴注炎琥宁[10 mg/(kg·d)],每日1次,
1 材料和方法1993-06/1998-06手术治疗60岁以上此类患者33例,其中男19例,女14例,年龄60岁~78岁,平均67.5岁.食管癌23例,贲门癌10例.术前伴慢性支气管炎、肺气肿3例,高血压5例
目的分析不同病变胃粘膜细胞内端粒长度的差异,以及细胞内 DNA 的含量,并探讨端粒行为异常、细胞内 DNA 含量与胃粘膜癌变的关系.方法对172例内镜活检和45例胃癌手术标本,应
【摘要】威廉·莱斯的人的需要理论从更详细的方面为我们阐述了一些实际的、迫切的实践问题,从全方位多角度来研究生态马克思主义中人的需要,从而客观地分析,准确地把握,结合实践将马克思主义向前推进。  【关键词】生态马克思主义;威廉·莱斯;人的需要理论  威廉·莱斯在他的代表作《满足的极限》《控制自然》中对需要问题进行了较为系统的分析。威廉·莱斯在人的需要理论体系中,从对传统需要理念的分析考察、人的需要的
由葛兰素史克公司生产的辅舒良(Fluticasone Propionate Nasal Spray),是一种类固醇激素.临床应用其治疗急慢性鼻窦炎已取得了显著的疗效.我科应用辅舒良作为慢性鼻窦炎,鼻息
1 对象和方法rn1.1 对象选择 68例皆为住院病人,其中男性41例,女性27例,年龄54~91岁,平均52.6岁.其中冠心病37例,风心病11例,扩张型心肌病13例,肺心病5例,甲亢性心脏病2例(甲