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中国近现代史证明:中国共产党是中华民族利益的忠实代表,处在世纪的转折点上,国家利益观念问题突出地摆在中国人面前。“国家利益”概念包括对内方面的与对外关系中的国家利益。在社会主义中国,国家利益观念应该分清两个层次:即普通公民的国家利益观念与领导干部的国家利益观念,两个层次国家利益观念集中到一点就是有中国特色社会主义事业必胜的信念意识或中华民族必兴必强的信念意识。在中国社会主义尚处在初级阶段的历史条件下,应强化全体国民的国家利益观念,从国民或个人方面看,必须继续发扬中华民族的爱国主义传统,增强国民对建设有中国特色社会主义事业的信心或中华民族必兴必强的信念;从国家或政府方面看,就要加快建立社会主义市场经济体制的步伐,从社会机制上保护那些国家利益观念至上、以社会价值为重的人“扬名得利”,而不要老是“吃亏”。 The history of China’s modern history proves that the Chinese Communist Party is a loyal representative of the interests of the Chinese nation, at the turning point of the century, and that the issue of the concept of national interest is clearly placed before the Chinese people. The concept of “national interest” includes the national interest in internal relations and external relations. In socialist China, the concept of state interest should be divided into two levels: the concept of national interest of ordinary citizens and the concept of national interest of leading cadres; the focus of the concept of national interest at two levels on one point is the belief in the belief that socialism with Chinese characteristics can win Or the Chinese nation must be strong sense of faith. Under the historical conditions that China is still in its infancy, under the historical conditions of socialism, it is necessary to strengthen the concept of national interest of all the people. From a national or individual perspective, we must continue to carry forward the tradition of patriotism of the Chinese nation and enhance the people’s cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Confidence or the belief that the Chinese nation must prosper and strong; judging from the perspective of the state or the government, it is necessary to speed up the pace of establishing a socialist market economic system, protect the social mechanism from the concept of national interest, and regard social values ​​as the most important “ Famous ”, rather than always“ lose. ”
历代统治者都要在思想文化领域实行文化强权 ,以整齐人心 ,消弭个性。西汉独尊儒术以后 ,儒学具有了文化强权的地位 ,其要旨是存天理灭人欲。这一点为宋理学家继承并得到了更
“应当”在人类生活和理学中具有重要意义。道德“应当”的根据在于矛盾自身包含的否定性 ,在于社会的发展和人的实践要求。“应当”是主体与客体、主观与客观、理想与现实的
在如何把握美学的知识形态这个问题上 ,主张其应当科学化的观点不仅历史悠久 ,而且至今仍然很有影响。虽然这一立场有一定理由并具有诱惑性 ,但深入地来看这只能是美学家们的