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從中央人民政府教育部成立以來,通過幾次全國性的教育會議,確定了全國教育工作的總方針,以及各種具體的實施辦法,同時,也明確了舊教育改革的步驟和新教育發展的方向。中央人民政府政務院和教育部根據歷次會議討論的結果,頒佈了各项有關的法令、規程和决定;各級教育行政部門遵照中央頒佈的法令,並結合各地具體情况製訂了適用於各地的各項规章和實施方案。毫無疑義,這些會議的召開是有很大的收穫的,對於全國教育工作的推進和提高是起了重要作用的。但是我們應該認識:正確的政策完善的方案雖然是勝利的泉源,但並不等於勝利本身。有了正確的政策還須貫澈執行,有了完善的方案還須付诸實施,才能在工作中取得勝利。因此對於各项政策各项决定執行情况的及時檢查是極關重要的。它是領導工作的基本環節。决議案究竟執行了没有,執行的程度怎樣,在執行中有没有發生偏差以及决議案本身是不是切合實際——對於這些問題應予以足够的重視。而這些問題都要靠及時的工作檢查來解决。斯大林同志教導我們:“工作的檢查如能組織良好,就會像探照燈似的,随時随地照明一個部門的工作情况,使官僚主義者和事務主義者暴露原形。可 Since the establishment of the Ministry of Education by the Central People’s Government, through several national education conferences, the general guidelines for the education in the whole country and various concrete measures for implementation have been set. At the same time, the steps of the old education reform and the direction of the development of new education have also been clarified . The Central Government, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education promulgated relevant decrees, rules and decisions in accordance with the results of the discussions held at the previous meetings. Educational administrative departments at all levels followed various decrees and regulations promulgated by the Central Government and formulated various localities Regulations and implementation plan. Undoubtedly, the convening of these meetings is a great achievement and has played an important role in advancing and improving the national education work. However, we should recognize that although the correct policy and sound solution are the source of victory, they do not equal the victory itself. With the correct policy, it must be implemented consistently. With a sound program, it must be implemented before it can win the job. Therefore, timely examination of the implementation of various policy decisions is of utmost importance. It is the basic part of leadership work. Whether the resolution has been implemented or not, the extent of its implementation, whether there have been any deviations in implementation and whether the resolution itself is realistic or not - should be given enough attention on these issues. And these problems must rely on timely work inspection to solve. Comrade Stalin taught us: "If the inspection of work is well-organized, it will look like a floodlight, illuminating the work of a department anytime, anywhere, exposing bureaucrats and business people to the prototype.
古语云:“流水不腐,户枢不蠹。”就是说,只要经常锻炼身体,就可以祛病健身、延年益寿。现介绍一套简单有效的防老保健操。1 双脚分立,与肩同宽。双手叉腰,头部向前、向后、
1前言在我国听力言语残疾居五类残疾之首,(占全国人口的 16.79%)。0-7岁的聋哑儿童约74万,且以每年约2-4 万新发生的聋儿递增。国外正常新生儿中双侧听力障碍的发生率约1%-3%
英国牛津大学的一位科学家亚历山大·里查德森通过研究发现,多吃鱼肉有助于缓解心情抑郁以及朗读困难。 研究表明,人体缺乏Omega-3脂肪,有可能导致心情抑郁,患上孤独症,出现
本文利用计算流体力学软件Fluent对某大型购物商场中庭发生火灾时, 采用自然排烟和机械排烟两种不同的排烟方式下的排烟效率, 通过对商场中庭内发生火灾时烟气的蔓延过程, 温